Re: Kc 3
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2797
Date: 2010-01-16
Dear Ma Vajira,
<< I think the sentence beginning 'tena kvattho' should be translated, "What
is the result of saying this [establishing the term 'sara']? The result is
the use of the term 'sara' in 'sarā sare lopaṃ' and so on. It isn't
necessary to translate the sutta in this place. >>
According to the Kaccāyanatthadīpanī comment on the same phrase in Kc 2 (see
extract below), 'kvattho' can be either 'ko attho' or 'kva attho'. The
meaning of 'attho' in both cases is given as 'payojanaṃ' (use, purpose,
application) but I also see that 'phalaṃ' (fruit, result, effect) is also
given in the comment and also as a synonym for 'payojanaṃ' in the ṭīkā to
Abh 785 on the meanings of 'attho'. However, I have trouble seeing the
affinity between payojanaṃ and phalaṃ.
evaṃ akkharānaṃ sarūpaṃ dassetvā idāni akkharasaññākaraṇe phalaṃ
pucchitvā vissajjanaṃ dassento tena kvatthoti ādimāha. tatrāyaṃ yojanā.
bho ācariya tena akkharāti saññākaraṇena, kvattho ko attho kiṃ payojanaṃ
bhavati, kva katarasmiṃ sutte vā attho payojanaṃ bhavati.
bho sissa attho akkharasaññātotyādīsu suttesu attho akkharāti
saññākaraṇapayojanaṃ bhavatīti. --- Kaccāyanatthadīpanī, p. 41 (Thai script
I translate the last sentence as:
Pupil, the use (or result), the purpose (or result) of making the term
'akkharā', is in suttas such as 'attho akkharasaññāto'.
I agree it's not necessary to translate 'sarā sare lopaṃ' in Kc 3.
Best wishes,