Re: Kaccaayana: introductory verses (1)
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2736
Date: 2009-12-16
<< Thanks Jim, I understand the metre now (it's in the back of Apte,
Appendix A, page 7), but what is tunādīnaṃ? >>
It stands for affixes (paccayas) beginning with tuna. I checked the
Nyaasa commentary on Kc 597 and it gives the following list: tuna,
tvaana, tvaa. I think tuna must be quite rare in the Pali canon. The
Saddaniiti (Smith) spells it tuuna with a long u. So that poses a bit
of a problem as to which is the correct spelling. My Burmese edn. of
Kacc spells it with a short u..
<< nādīnaṃ I assume tu + na + gen. pl of ādi ? Does it mean then "but
not at the beginning?">>
see above.
<< dhātu in this context has a special grammatical meaning? >>
dhaatu is the verbal root which would be vand in abhivanditvaa. In
sabbehi dhaatuuhi, I think it means: after whole roots. The rule
wouldn't apply to an absolutive like natvaa from the root nam but it
seems it could apply to namitvaa to form namiya.