Re: the suffix dheyya

From: L.S. Cousins
Message: 2688
Date: 2009-11-10

I assume this is based on Pāṇini and his commentaries. It seems to work
for nāmadheyya = Skt nāmadheya.

But why would one assume that this would apply to all cases ? I don't
see that it would fit for J IV 111*:

kasiṇā paṭhavī dhanassa pūrā
ekass' eva siyā anaññadheyyā
(palatal nasals may not display)

At Ps II 266 Buddhaghosa has:
vacanatthato pana mārassa dheyyaṃ māradheyyaṃ. dheyyan ti ṭhānaṃ vatthu
nivāso gocaro.

Lance Cousins

Ole Holten Pind wrote:
> Dhp 34 presents one of several instances of maaradheyya recorded in the Pali canon. naamadheyya is another instance of the same type of derivation. Like maaradheyya it is also found in the Pali canon.
> -dheyya like Sanskrit dheya is used as a meaningless suffix, and it is therefore necessary to correct extant Pali dictionaries and translations of Dhp 34. maaradheyya.m pahaatave means "to quit/abandon Maara." naamadheyya of which there are several examples in the Pali canon means "name"  like Sanskrit naamadheya.

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