Re: Paali question

From: Bryan Levman
Message: 2664
Date: 2009-10-22

Hi Stephen,

These are the references as given by Lamotte (1988:553-4):
Mahii"saasaka Vinaya (T 1421 ch. 26, p. 174b)
Dharmaguptaka Vinaya (T 1428, ch. 52, p. 955a)
Vinaayamaat.rka (T 1463, ch. 4, p. 822a)
Sarvaastivaadin Vinaya (T 1435, ch. 38, p. 274a)
Muulasarvaastivaadin Vinaya (T 1451 ch. 6, p. 232b)

I don't know of any MahaasaMghika version surviving. I have been unable to locate any BHS version (in the Gilgit manuscripts, for example or the SaMghabhedavastu) of this incident, nor have I been successful in finding the Tibetan version in the 'dul ba (it should be there). Do you know the reference for any of these versions?

Best wishes, Bryan

From: Stephen Hodge <s.hodge@...>
Sent: Wed, October 21, 2009 8:30:20 PM
Subject: Re: [palistudy] Paali question

Bryan Levman wrote:

> There are in fact five Chinese versions which I am translating now.
I don't have immediate access to the references you provide, so could you
let me have the Taisho page/line numbers, please.  Since you say later that
these are Sarvastivadin texts, would I be right in thinking that this kind
of statement has not been found in other Vinayas ~ a Mahasanghika version
would be crucial.

Best wishes,
Stephen Hodge



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