a website recommendation
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2542
Date: 2009-02-23
Dear Members,
I'd like to recommend the following website for those who do not already
know about it:
Ancient Buddhist Texts
Anandajoti Bhikkhu seeems to be the main one behind it or at least the main
contributor. You'll find, for example, a comparative edition of the
Dhammapada which shows side by side 4 different versions (Paa.li, Patna,
Gandhaarii, Udaanavarga). There is also a revised edition (with a
translation) in progress of a grammar based on the Padama~njarii by Ven.
Devamitta of Molligoda (first published in 1922). The new work is entitled
Navapadama~njarii. The website has a lot of material that will be of
interest to students and scholars of Pali texts and translations.
Best wishes,