Re: Trans. & Philosophy of SN-1:18:5 [Ko.t.thita Sutta]

From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2444
Date: 2008-08-25

Dear All,

In reading the Pali text of the Ko.t.thikasutta (S IV 162ff), I find the
following passage spoken by Saariputta somewhat hard to comprehend:

ya~n ca tattha tad ubhaya.m pa.ticca uppajjati chandaraago ta.m tattha
sa.myojana.m || || (S IV 163 PTS ed.)

The difficulty is what to make of "ya~n ca tattha" and "ta.m tattha".

Here are three translations:

1) "but that desire and lust that arise owing to these two. That is the
bond." (transl. by F.L. Woodward, Kindred Sayings, Part 4, p.101)

2) "Whatever desire & passion arises in dependence on the two of them:
That is the fetter there." (transl. by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, from

3) ",... but that based on these two desire and lust arise, and they are the
fetter." (transl. by M.O. Walshe, from

These translations seem somewhat off.

Best wishes,

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