Re: two study projects
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 1219
Date: 2005-08-11
Dear Ole,
<< Is there a way of finding out about important grammatical texts
that are available in Thai editions. Unfortunately, I do not read
Thai, so translations are of no use to me. I have an excellent modern
Thai edition of Kaccaayanam, but that is all. Any other text is of
interest, especially those that are not available in Sinhalese or
Burmese editions. How do I proceed? >>
It can be hard to get information about the availability of Pali
grammatical texts in Thai editions and how to acquire them. I have the
following three (all in Thai script):
1. The 3-vol. set of the Saddaniiti from the Bhumibalo Bhikkhu
Foundation (I can give you an address and a booklist).
2. Suttaniddesa -- a straight Pali text
3. Ganthaabhara.nama~njarii: contains the Pali text of
(97 verses) with a .tiikaa (33 pages) but most of the book appears to
be a Thai translation with a commentary. The text is a treatise on the
nipaatas. Some day I hope to transcribe the Pali portions of the book
into a romanized etext version.
Last April, Ven. Dhammanando sent me the following list of available
texts on the Buddhaghosa College website:
Method of analysing the Dhammapada Atthakathaa (Dhammamoli
Thera): 590 Baht (explns. mainly in Thai, as I recall)
Saddaniiti Padamaala: 590 Baht
Saddaniiti Suttamaala: 690 Baht
Saddatthabhedacintaa bya~njanato trans. with Diipanii: 250
Saddatthabhedacintaa atthato trans. with .tiika by PM
Nimitr: 490 Baht
Vaakyasa.msayavisodhanii (Sobhita Thera): 350 Baht
(on syntax, but I have never looked at it)
Ganthaabhara.nava.n.nanaa (Ariyava.msa Thera): 240 Baht
(no idea what this is)
Vuttodayama~njarii (Sa`ngharakkhita Thera): 300 Baht
Padavicaara (~Naa.navara Thera): 95 Baht
(no idea)
Kaccaayanasaarama~njarii (Yasa Thera): 65 Baht
Sa.mva.n.nanaama~njarii & Sa.mva.n.nanaaniyaama (~Naa.navara
Thera): 150 Baht (no idea)
Suttaniddesa (Saddhammajotipaala Thera): 150 Baht
Questions & answers on the Padaruupasiddhi
(Gandhasaarabhiva.msa Thera): 75 Baht
(mostly Thai)
He said he'd also seen Saddaniiti Dhaatumaala and the
Subodhala"nkaara.tiikaa at the college bookstore. He recommends the
BBF edition of the Saddaniiti over the one offered by the college.
It's possible the Suttaniddesa mentioned in the college list could be
the same as my copy. I'm trying to get the Saddatthabhedacintaa with
its diipanii as mentioned above. It seems that the college isn't set
up to handle mail orders but I'm not sure if this is really the case.
Wat Tha Ma O in Lampang might be another good place to contact for
further information and availability of grammatical texts. There is
also a monumetal 12 volume Kaccaayana-related series floating around
but I don't have much on it except that the last 2 on my list of three
is part of it.
I think it's very important that Pali grammatical texts (many of them
rare) should become more easily available especially in romanized
Best wishes,
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