Re: Mmd: introductory verses
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 891
Date: 2004-09-02
Re: Mmd: introductory verses
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 891
Date: 2004-09-02
Hi Rett,
I'm glad you brought up this subject. I have several tables and
indexes for the Saddaniti that I prepared for my personal use over the
years so that the text could be more easily accessible. You said in an
offlist message last year that you have the reprint of Smith's edition
of Sadd -- so these may be of interest to you. You're probably aware
of the indices for the roots and the suffixes in Vol. IV. which I have
found quite useful, but more of such are needed. There isn't even a
Table of Contents! I have one typed out with just the chapter numbers
and titles (which are given at the end of a chapter). As the TOC is
rather short I'll post it here as soon as I add the page numbers. I
also have a detailed one for Vol. I., Padamaalaa but unfortunately
it's still in my handwriting but I will try and type it out on the
computer, something I'd been meaning to do for a long time. I have
indices for the Kaarakavibhago (on syntax) and the Kita affixes found
in the Kibbidhaanakappo. There's also a file with the suttas only but
it is incomplete (as far as no.1200) and a complete list of the roots
with the meanings (eg. 1. bhuu sattaaya.m) and crossed-checked with
the CSCD version (still needing more proofreading). You may also be
interested in the CSCD etexts of the Padamaalaa and Dhaatumaalaa which
I have in the Velthuis scheme.
When I first started studying the Saddaniti in 1983, I thought it was
an incredibly difficult text to work with. Since there is no English
translation of it, I took up the study of S.C. Vasu's translation
(with lots of notes) of Paa.nini's A.s.taadhyaayii (2 vols.). This
helped me to understand how the Indian system of describing a language
in short aphorisms works which can then be applied similarly to the
Sadd. I also ended up having to make a few indices and a table of
contents for Panini too!
Anyway, we could perhaps work on this together and try and make more
such tables and indexes available for studying the Saddaniti as they
certainly do make using the text a lot easier. I would like to do the
same for Kaccaayana and have already made a brief table of contents
for it.
> I'd like to ask a question of the group: does anyone have tips about
> how to go about getting oriented in the Saddaniti? In particular I'm
> wondering if anyone has developed their own table of contents or
> something like that, to be able to look up grammatical topics. Or
> does the work contain tables of contents in particular chapters?
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