Re: bhikkhu
From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 611
Date: 2002-11-06
Dear Jim,
Thank you very much for all the answers which I shall study. Only, divaadi,
I found third conjugation, which did not fit.
I am trying now to translate for dsg the subco bhikkhu passage. I found it
helpful to also look at the co passage, it solved some riddles.
These compounds are beauties:
satthu cariyaanuvidhaayakattaa sakalasaasanasampa.tiggaahakattaa ca
sabbappakaaraaya anusaasaniyaa bhaajanabhaavo.
Ven. Soma translates anusaasaniyaa bhaajanabhaavoto as: owing to fitness for
receiving....This bhaajana: I find: distributing, he holds and distributes
the teachings?
anuvidhaa: conforming to, following? Kattaa is doer. This sentence is the
most difficult.
I hope the getting of water will still be possible, soon everything will be
frozen. We like country life. Your basics: ka.t.thodaka.m!
Best wishes and much appreciation,
P.S. I got as far as this, but I realize, correcting all this is too much.
bhikkhugocaraa ete dhammaa, yadida.m
N: These dhammas are the field (object) of the bhikkhu, namely,
contemplation of the Body, etc.
tattha yasmaa kaayaanupassanaadipa.tipattiyaa bhikkhu
hoti, tasmaa ``kaayaanupassii viharatii''tiaadinaa bhikkhu.m dasseti,
bhikkhumhi ta.m niyamatoti aaha ``pa.tipattiyaa bhikkhubhaavadassanato''ti.
N: Here, in as far as he is a bhikkhu by the practice of contemplation of
the Body, etc., therefore, with the words, "he abides in contemplation of
the body", etc., he shows him as a bhikkhu. Then, he says bhikkhu with this
definition, saying, "because of the excellence of the bhikkhu state by way
of practice".
satthu cariyaanuvidhaayakattaa sakalasaasanasampa.tiggaahakattaa ca
sabbappakaaraaya anusaasaniyaa bhaajanabhaavo.
N: Since he follows the practice of the Teacher, and accepts the entire
dispensation, he is fit to receive manifold instruction.
sama.m careyyaati kaayaadivisamacariya.m pahaaya kaayaadiihi sama.m careyya.
N: He should practise with calm (evenly), this means, after he has abandoned
contrarious behaviour through the body etc., he should practise with calm
through the body, etc.
raagaadivuupasamena santo. indriyadamena danto. catumagganiyaamena niyato.
N: He is calm because of the extinguishment of attachment etc,. He is tamed
by the restraint of the faculties. He is assured by way of the four Paths.
se.t.thacaritaaya brahmacaarii. kaayada.n.daadioropanena nidhaaya da.n.da.m.
N: By the best practice he is a person leading the divine life. Because of
laying down (abandoning) violence through the body, etc. he is peaceful
(having laid down the stick).
ariyabhaave .thito so evaruupo baahitapaapasamitapaapabhinnakilesataahi bhikkhuuti veditabbo.
Immovable in the ariyan nature, since akusala is removed and calmed and
defilements eradicated, he should in this way be known as a brahmin, a