
From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 479
Date: 2002-04-01

Dear Num, I compared the Pali anupadesa in the Commentary with the Thai text
anuprathet, and thought of translating it into countryside. Padesa in Pali
is region, and anu prefix can mean  continuous. The Thai word is not in my
dictionary. It stands here in contrast to the desert. C hange of climate
caausing disorders.

ja"ngaladesavaasiina~nhi anupadese vasantaana.m visabhaago utu uppajjati,
anupadesavaasiina~nca ja"ngaladeseti eva.m malayasamuddatiiraadivasenaapi
utuvisabhaagataa uppajjatiyeva. tato jaataati utupari.naamajaataani naama.

I did not get your post on bile, but only in a quote made by Sarah. I tried
to copy it, but it got suddenly lost. Still thinking on the text of pitta,
Best wishes, Nina.

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