Re: pa.tipatti
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 256
Date: 2001-08-06
Dear Nina,
>Dear Jim, In my translation of Khun Sujin's Cambodian Lectures, I am now
>stuck with pa.tipatti, we touched on before. It is explained thus: patti:
>going to, reaching, and pa.ti: specifically. When sati arises it goes
>specifically to the characteristic of a paramattha dhamma that is
>Patti: going or reaching, and pa.ti: towards. I looked it up in PTS dict.
>pa.ti patti is used in combination with dhammanudhamma. A way, method,
>practice, means of reaching a goal. Pa.tipajjati: follow a path, a method.
>Is there another meaning of pa.ti, towards, is there a meaning in it of
>"specific"? Or precisely towards? Thank you, Nina.
I have searched through some commentaries but haven't been able to find
anything that gives the meaning of 'pa.ti' in 'pa.tipatti' the latter word
being of rare occurrence in the Tipitaka but is quite common in the
commentaries. I think the meaning would be the same in the case of
pa.tipadaa, pa.tipajjati, and pa.tipanno but still I couldn't find anything
for these words either. There is a meaning 'in the direction of, towards'
(?aabhimukhye) in the list of meanings for 'pa.ti' given in the
Abhidhanappadipika but I don't see one for 'specifically' (visesato). You'll
recall that 'visese' is one of the meanings for 'vi'. I'm not at all skilled
in the prefixes and so about the best I can do is to list all the meanings
from the Saddaniti with examples followed by the Abhidhanappadipika list:
Saddaniiti (p. 881):
1. pa.tigate (paccakkha.m) ?directly
2. pa.tinidhimhi (aacariyato pa.ti sisso)
3. pa.tidaane - in exchange/return for (telatthikassa ghatam pa.ti dadaati)
4. nisedhe - (pa.tisedheti)
5. saadise (pa.tiruupaka.m)
6. nivattane - in turning back (pa.tikkamati)
7. aadaane - in taking (pa.tiga.nhaati)
8. - in making amends (pa.tikaaro)
9. pa.ticce - (paccayo)
10. pa.tibodhane - in understanding (pa.tivedho)
11. (rukkha.m pati vijjotate vijju)
12. itthambhuutakkhaane - (saadhu Devadatto maatara.m pati)
13. bhaage - (yad ettha ma.m pati siyaa, ta.m diiyatu)
14. pa.tilome - (pa.tisota.m)
15. vicchaaya.m - (rukkha.m rukkha.m pati vijjotate cando)
Abhidhaanappadiipikaa list of 15 (vv. 1178-9):
pa.tidaane =sd
nisedhe =sd
vaame sd=pa.tilome
aadaane (paccassosi) =sd
nivattiya.m sd=nivattane
saadisye sd=saadise
patinidhimhi (mukhyasadise buddhasmaa pati) =sd
patibodhe sd=pa.tibodhane
patigate sd=pa.tigate
pa.ticcatthe sd=pa.ticce
Some possibilities might be pa.tigate, nivattane, and pa.tibodhane. I came
across 'nivattana' as a characteristic of the fourth noble truth at Vism
XVI.23 which ~Naa.namoli translates as 'making not occur' which differs in
meaning from 'turning back' given in the first list above. The fourth noble
truth contains the word 'pa.tipadaa' which seems to relate to 'pa.tipatti'
as a near synonym. I thought that the path could be viewed as one that turns
back/away from samsara and goes in the opposite direction towards nibbana.
This is about all I can come up with for now. I'll be sending my replies to
two of your previous messages as soon as I'm finished in the days ahead.
Best wishes,
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