sutta 7: the vaggas

From: Jim Anderson
Message: 40
Date: 2001-03-06

Apologies for taking so long to send out this lesson. The last one was sent
out on Feb. 21! I will try to get lessons out more frequently.

7. kaadii mantaa vaggaa.

7. Beginning with 'ka' (and) ending with 'ma' -- the vaggas.

[ka + aadii (beginning) > kaadii, ma + antaa (ending) > mantaa.
The case inflection at the end of each of the three words are those of the
nominative plural.]

vutti (gloss):
tesa.m kho vya~njanaana.m kakaaraadayo makaarantaa vaggaa naama bhavanti,

Now of these consonants (see sutta 6), there are namely the vaggas
beginning with the item 'ka' & ending with the item 'ma', as follows:

1. ka kha ga gha "na
2. ca cha ja jha ~na
3. .ta .tha .da .dha .na
4. ta tha da dha na
5. pa pha ba bha ma

tattha pa.thamo kavaggo, dutiyo cavaggo, tatiyo .tavaggo, catuttho tavaggo,
pa~ncamo pavaggo ti pa~ncavidhaa vaggaa.

Therein, are the fivefold vaggas thus:
the first is the kavagga;
the second is the cavagga;
the third is the .tavagga;
the fourth is the tavagga,
the fifth is the pavagga.


'Vagga' means group or class and its the same word seen in the
Suttantapi.taka where the suttas are generally grouped together in tens
under a name ending in 'vagga'. The Majjhimanikaya, for example, contains 15
vaggas of ten suttas each except for one which has 12, altogether 152
suttas. In the case of this sutta each of the 5 groups contain 5 consonants
and when you come across a term like 'kavagga' it is referring to the group
of 5 consonants beginning with 'ka' ie. ka kha ga gha "na.


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