From: Bryan Levman
Message: 16166
Date: 2014-11-09
On 2014.11.08 21:03, wrote:
> There is 1 message in this issue.
> Topics in this digest:
> 1. Bhagavant: the Blessed One
> From: Dc Wijeratna
> Message
> __________________________________________________________
> 1. Bhagavant: the Blessed One
> Posted by: "Dc Wijeratna" dcwijeratna@...
> Date: Fri Nov 7, 2014 5:31 pm ((PST))
> PTS dictionary gives Bhagavant:fortunate, illustrious, sublime, as Ep. and
> title "Lord." Usual trs. Blessed One, Exalted One.
> The translation bhagavant as Blessed One cannot be understood.
> Blessed is associated with God; see the definition of blessed in the Oxford
> Dictionaries.
> I shall be grateful, if someone could clarify this.
> --
> ------------------------------------------------
> Buddhayatana, Kangaroo Island
> Gabriel Jivasattha et Jacqueline Jivarakkhi
> phone +61 8 8553 7442 , fax +61 8 8553 7444
> mob. ph. +61 4 2743 5148
> email: seayu@...
> 34 Falie court
> PO box 281, American River, Kangaroo Island
> South Australia 5221
> time zone GMT +09h30 (allow for +1h
> when it is "summer time" in South Australia)
> "a'niccaa vata san'khaaraa"
> "impermanent are structural processes"
> "instables sont les flux structurels"
> - the Buddha
> -------------------------------------------------