From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 15788
Date: 2012-03-28
> Dear friends,[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> I would suggest the following translation for the passage quoted:
> "AS regards explaining (the term) pannaa-vimutta: p.v. means one who
> is liberated by means of insight (pannaa). He (the type of person so
> designated) is fivefold, (namely) the "Bare Insight" person and the
> four who have attained (pattaa: PPP nom. pl.) arahantship on emerging
> from the four jhaanas. None among them is an attainer of the eight
> liberations. Hence indeed (the text) says "aTTha vimokkhe" etc. When
> (here almost the same as 'if') one of the four formless jhaanas is
> present (= has been attained), (the attainer of it) is called
> "liberated in both ways".
> Mahinda