From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 15785
Date: 2012-03-28
> Dear Nina,-------
> >The person who has developed dry insight (N: without jhaanas) and
> >four who has emerged from the four jhaanas have reached arahatship,
> >this is fivefold.
> I am reading vu.t.thaaya as a gerund and pattaa, as ablative of the
> past participle:
> The one who is “dry-visioned”, having emerged from the four
> jhānas,
> because of having attained the state of arhat, is fourfold and even
> fivefold.
> Grammatically, I think the subject of sukkhavipassako,
> vu.t.thaaya, pattaa, and hoti must all be the same.
> However, if dry-visioned means "without the jhaanas," then this
> doesn't make sense, unless vu.t.thaaya is
> being used in the sense of "not doing."
> cattaaro caati pa~ncavidho hoti.>: caati, ca, meaning 'and'. Onesukkhavipassako and four having emerged from jhaana and attained
> B: I'm assuming "fourfold and even fivefold" refers
> to the next sentence: "four or fivefold liberated" as opposed to
> eightfold liberated.