From: Bryan Levman
Message: 15363
Date: 2011-04-29
--- On Fri, 4/29/11, Buddhayatana <buddhayatana@...> wrote:
From: Buddhayatana <buddhayatana@...>
Subject: Re: [Pali] Digest Number 2974
To: "" <>
Received: Friday, April 29, 2011, 9:42 AM
The only book with part of the Cambodian Canon that I have come across
is the bilingual Pali-French publication of the first three suttas of
the Digha-Nikaya, translated by the prestigious Jules Bloch, Jean
Filliozat and Louis Renou. It shows the variantions relative to the
Burmese and PTS versions.
Edition Maisonneuve, Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient, Paris 1989, ISBN
The remainder of their translation was unfortunately lost after a
computer crash.
I hope someone else has since then tried to go further from this
excellent start.
On 2011.04.29 18:39, wrote:
> There is 1 message in this issue.
> Topics in this digest:
> 1. Pali Tipitaka editions
> From: Bryan Levman
> Message
> __________________________________________________________
> 1. Pali Tipitaka editions
> Posted by: "Bryan Levman" bryan.levman@... bryan.levman
> Date: Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:32 am ((PDT))
> Dear Friends,
> I have been looking into the various editions of the canon available:
> 1) there is the Burmese sixth council Chat.t.ha San.gaayana,
> 2) the Sri Lanka Jayanti edition,
> 3) the Thailand edition,
> Is anyone aware of the Cambodian edition and whether this is on line?
> Also I have come across something called PALI TEXT version 1.0: CD-ROM Database of the Entire Buddhist Pali Canon which I believe is the PTS edition. Does anyone know if this is available on line? or must it be purchased?
> Has anyone ever seen an edition of the Laos or Vietnamese canon?
> Thanks for your help,
> Metta,
> Bryan
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> Messages in this topic (1)
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"a'niccaa vata san'khaaraa"
"impermanent are structural processes"
"instables sont les flux structurels"
- the Buddha
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