From: palistudent
Message: 15302
Date: 2011-03-10
--- In, "Ong Yong Peng" <palismith@...> wrote:
> Dear Vicaro,
> I understand that over these years, John had reviewed and updated his answers, including some corrections. He had also completed more questions than what he originally posted to the group.
> Our plan was to roll over these answers as the group continues with Warder's book, which I definitely will do so later this year.
> Hopefully, John read your message and respond to you soon. Otherwise, you may contact him offlist.
> metta,
> Yong Peng.
> --- In, <vicaro@> wrote:
> I have a copy of John Kelly's Answers which I can extract the Pali from without too much trouble but I wanted to check if anyone already had a file of the plain Pali, or was aware of any errors in JK's text?