Ven/Kind Sirs and Ladies

I was told this could be used as a greeting in Pali:

kapaniyam atthabhavam bhante?

can you tolerate the suffering Ven Sir?

Could anyone tell me what the correct transcription would be?

I feel happy to say that I've nearly finished my first semester of my MA in
Buddhist Studies and we have been going through Ven Buddhadatta's book,
which is much needed revision of Pali studies for me.

Kind Regards

<> Integrating Emotion and Intellect =

Dhammadarsa [Darsa] Bhikkhu
Buddhist Monk

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Wang Noi




invite=1&lang=en> Always have my latest info

<> Want
a signature like this?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]