From: Tomoyuki Kono
Message: 14971
Date: 2010-09-23
On 23 Sep 2010, at 02:35, Bryan Levman wrote:
> Dear Larry,
> I don't think it means so much "affairs with women" (licentious
> affairs) as "the
> ways of women" which is how E. M. Hare translates it:
> The ways of womenfolk are secret, not open. Brāhmins practise their
> chants in
> secret, not openly. Those of perverse views hold their views
> secretly not
> openly. (The Book of the Gradual Sayings, Vol 1, page 261).
> It could also just be translated as "Women are secret, not open..."
> which I
> think is equally valid (the translation only of course, not the
> sentiment).
> The phrase mātugāma itself just means "womenfolk" per the PED (s.
> v. mātar),
> although it does seem to have an overtone of "dealings with
> women" (= methuna or
> sex) per PED s.v. gāma-dhamma.
> Hope this helps,
> Metta,
> Bryan
> ________________________________
> From: larryrosenfeld <larryrosenfeld@...>
> To:
> Sent: Tue, September 21, 2010 10:58:18 AM
> Subject: [Pali] need help translating AN ("Paṭicchanna
> Sutta")
> I was hoping someone could help translate a brief but seemingly
> gnarly passage.
> It's in AN (SLTP 3.129; CSCD and World Tipitika 3.132?; PTS
> I.282-83,
> occasionally entitled, "Paṭicchanna Sutta"), a two-paragraph sutta,
> the first
> paragraph consisting of these six sentences:
> Tīṇimāni bhikkhave paṭicchannāni vahanti no vivaṭāni.
> Katamāni tīṇi?
> Mātugāmo bhikkhave paṭicchanno vahati no vivaṭo.
> Brāhmaṇānaṃ bhikkhave mantā paṭicchannā vahanti no
> vivaṭā.
> Micchādiṭṭhi bhikkhave paṭicchannā vahati no vivaṭā.
> Imāni kho bhikkhave tīṇi paṭicchannāni vahanti no vivaṭāni.
> (This is from the SLTP, e.g., at
> 283 . The Word
> Tipitaka redaction substitutes the verb "āvahati" for "vahati"
> throughout, e.g.,
> as seen at
> 15A3/3/3.3/3.3.9 .)
> In "In the Buddha's Words" (2005), Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi translates
> this paragraph
> (p. 88) as:
> "These three things, monks, are conducted in secret, not openly.
> What three?
> Affairs with women, the mantras of the brahmins, and wrong view."
> For me, the biggest translation question is Ven. Bodhi's translation
> of
> "mātugāmo" as "affairs of women." While I can appreciate that
> "mātugāmo" (e.g.,
> vs. "itthiyo") has the implication of a woman who is both desirable
> and dreaded
> (e.g., as used in DN 16, MN 66, MN 67, Iti. 4.10, Ja 436), and thus
> Ven. Bodhi's
> inclusion of the phrase "affairs with" captures the licentious
> connotation of
> this Pali word. But might not a more straight forward (though,
> admittedly
> problematically patriarchal) translation of this be -- especially
> given that
> "mātugāmo" is in the nominative (vs. accusative) form -- something
> like:
> "Women proceed in secret ..."?
> Thanks so very much for any help!
> Larry
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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