I've just moved to a temple and they have one chant in the morning that I don't know. I'm trying to translate it, as I don't like chanting without knowing the meaning. This is what I've come up with, but would appreciate any suggestions/corrections:
Siita'n u.nha'n pa.tihanti tato vaa.lamigaani ca
Cool and heat they ward therefore predaceous beasts too
Siri'nsape ca makase sisire caapi vu.t.thiyo
Reptiles also mosquitoes in winter also even the rainy season??
Tato vaataatapo ghoro sa~njaato pa.tiha~n~nati
Therefore wind and heat was produced he is afflicted
Lenattha~nca sukhattha~nca jhaayita'n ca vipassitu'n
?? happiness you [pl.] have and meditation and insight
Vihaaradaana'n sa'nghassa agga'n buddhehi va.n.nita'n
A residence gift for the community the hightest by the Buddhas extolled
Tasmaa hi pa.n.dito poso sampassa'n atthamattano ?? [antamattano]
Therefore indeed the wise man well seeing ?? [one's own good]
Vihaare kaaraye ramme vaasayettha bahussute
In the residence praised?? charming?? should live very learned
Tesa'n anna~nca paana~nca vattha-senaasanaani ca
They this boiled rice and, drink too cloths, sleeping place too
Dadeyya ujubhuutes vippasannena cetasaa
Giving in life-upright with pure purpose
Te tassa dhamma'n desenti sabbadukkhaa-panuudana'n
They this teaching expound all suffering removes
Ya'n so dhammam-idha~n~naaya pari-nibbaatyan-aasavo'ti.
Whoever teaching this having understood completely extinguish the intoxicants.
Kind Regards
Dhammadarsa Bhikkhu
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