Sakkaa, bhikkhave, akusala.m pajahitu.m.
possibilities / monks / unwholesome conduct / to abandon
There are possibilities, O monks, to abandon unwholesome conduct.
sakka (adj) possible.
No ceda.m, bhikkhave, sakkaa abhavissa akusala.m pajahitu.m, naaha.m eva.m vadeyya.m - 'akusala.m, bhikkhave, pajahathaa'ti.
no / if-now / monks / possibilities / would be / unwholesome conduct / to abandon / not-I / thus / would say / unwholesome conduct / monks / abandon
O monks, if there is now no possibility to abandon unwholesome conduct, I would not say thus - 'O monks, abandon unwholesome conduct.'
ceda.m = ce ida.m.
ce (enclitic) if.
abhavissa [3rd singular Conditional of bhavati]
Yasmaa ca kho, bhikkhave, sakkaa akusala.m pajahitu.m tasmaaha.m eva.m vadaami - 'akusala.m, bhikkhave, pajahathaa'ti.
because / and / indeed / monks / possibilities / unwholesome conduct / to abandon / therefore-I / thus / say / unwholesome conduct / monks / abandon
And, indeed, because there are possibilities to abandon unwholesome conduct, O monks, therefore I say thus - 'O monks, abandon unwholesome conduct.'
Akusala~nca hida.m, bhikkhave, pahiina.m ahitaaya dukkhaaya sa.mvatteyya naaha.m eva.m vadeyya.m - 'akusala.m, bhikkhave, pajahathaa'ti.
unwholesome conduct-and / for-now / monks / abandoned / to harm / to suffering / would lead to / not-I / thus / would say / unwholesome conduct / monks / abandon
And (if) for now, O monks, abandoning unwholesome conduct would lead to harm, to suffering, I would not say thus - 'O monks, abandon unwholesome conduct.'
hida.m = hi ida.m.
pahiina (pp of pajahati) abandoned.
ahita (n) harm.
Yasmaa ca kho, bhikkhave, akusala.m pahiina.m hitaaya sukhaaya sa.mvattati tasmaaha.m eva.m vadaami â" 'akusala.m , bhikkhave, pajahathaa'"ti.
because / and / indeed / monks / unwholesome conduct / abandoned / to benefit / to bliss / leads to / therefore-I / thus / say - unwholesome conduct / monks / abandon
And, indeed, because, O monks, abandoning unwholesome conduct leads to benefit, to bliss, therefore I say thus - 'O monks, abandon unwholesome conduct.'"
Sakkaa, bhikkhave, kusala.m bhaavetu.m.
possibilities / monks / wholesome conduct / to cultivate
There are possibilities, O monks, to cultivate wholesome conduct.
No ceda.m, bhikkhave, sakkaa abhavissa kusala.m bhaavetu.m, naaha.m eva.m vadeyya.m - 'kusala.m, bhikkhave, bhaavethaa'ti.
no / if-now / monks / possibilities / would be / wholesome conduct / to cultivate / not-I / thus / would say / wholesome conduct / monks / cultivate
O monks, if there is now no possibility to cultivate wholesome conduct, I would not say thus - 'O monks, cultivate wholesome conduct.'
Yasmaa ca kho, bhikkhave, sakkaa kusala.m bhaavetu.m tasmaaha.m eva.m vadaami - 'kusala.m, bhikkhave, bhaavethaa'ti.
because / and / indeed / monks / possibilities / wholesome conduct / to cultivate / therefore-I / thus / say / wholesome conduct / monks / cultivate
And, indeed, because there are possibilities to cultivate wholesome conduct, O monks, therefore I say thus - 'O monks, cultivate wholesome conduct.'
Kusala~nca hida.m, bhikkhave, bhaavita.m ahitaaya dukkhaaya sa.mvatteyya, naaha.m eva.m vadeyya.m - 'kusala.m, bhikkhave, bhaavethaa'ti.
wholesome conduct-and / for-now / monks / cultivated / to harm / to suffering / would lead to / not-I / thus / would say / wholesome conduct / monks / cultivate
And (if) for now, O monks, cultivating wholesome conduct would lead to harm, to suffering, I would not say thus - 'O monks, cultivate wholesome conduct.'
Yasmaa ca kho, bhikkhave, kusala.m bhaavita.m hitaaya sukhaaya sa.mvattati tasmaaha.m eva.m vadaami - 'kusala.m, bhikkhave, bhaavethaa'"ti.
because / and / indeed / monks / wholesome conduct / cultivated / to benefit / to bliss / leads to / therefore-I / thus / say - wholesome conduct / monks / cultivate
And, indeed, because, O monks, cultivating wholesome conduct leads to benefit, to bliss, therefore I say thus - 'O monks, cultivate wholesome conduct.'"
Yong Peng.
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