Dhammacakkappavattanasutta, no 21.

From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 14299
Date: 2010-01-17

Dear friends,

Dhammacakkappavattanasutta, no 21.

Pali: Caatumahaaraajikaana.m devaana.m sadda.m sutvaa. Taavati.msaa
devaa ...pe... Yaamaa devaa ...pe... Tusitaa devaa ...pe...
Nimmaanaratii devaa ...pe... Paranimmitavasavattii devaa ...pe...
Brahmakaayikaa devaa saddamanussaavesu.m - "eta.m Bhagavataa
Baaraa.nasiya.m Isipatane Migadaaye anuttara.m dhammacakka.m
pavattita.m appa.tivattiya.m sama.nena vaa braahma.nena vaa devena
vaa maarena vaa brahmunaa vaa kenaci vaa lokasmin"ti.
Caatu/mahaaraajikaana.m/ devaana.m/ sadda.m/ sutvaa.
of Four/ the Great Kings/ of the devas/sound/ having heard.

Taava/ti.msaa/ devaa ...pe... /Yaamaa devaa ...pe.../ Tusitaa
devaa ...pe...
three/thirty /devas ... etc .../ Yaama devas ... etc ... /Tusita
devas ... etc ...

Nimmaana/ratii devaa ...pe... /Para/nimmita/vasavattii /devaa ...pe...
creating/delight/devas ... etc .../ others� / creations/ruling over/
devas ... etc

Brahmakaayikaa/ devaa saddam/anussaavesu.m -
Brahma's body/ devas/ sound/ uttered
Having heard the shout of the Four Great Kings, the Taavati.msa
devas ... etc ...the Yaama devas ... etc ... the Tusita devas ...
etc ... the Nimmanarati devas ... etc ... the Paranimmitavasavatti
devas ... etc ... the devas of Brahma's body raised a shout:
"eta.m/ Bhagavataa/ Baaraa.nasiya.m/ Isipatane /Migadaaye
this/by the Blessed One/, at Baranasi/ at Isipatana/in the Deer Park

anuttara.m/ dhammacakka.m/ pavattita.m,
unsurpassed/ Wheel of Dhamma/ has been set in motion

appa.tivattiya.m/ sama.nena vaa/ braahma.nena vaa/ devena vaa/
not to be turned back/ by recluse or /by Brahmin or/ by deva or

maarena vaa/ brahmunaa vaa/ kenaci vaa/ lokasmin"ti.
by Mara or/ by Brahma or/ by anyone or/ in the world
"The unsurpassed Wheel of Dhamma has been set in motion by the
Blessed One, at Baranasi in the Deer Park at Isipatana, and this
cannot be turned back by any recluse or Brahmin or deva or Mara or
Brahma or by anyone in the world".
Text: Having heard the shout of the Four Great Kings, the Taavati.msa
devas ... etc ...the Yaama devas ... etc ... the Tusita devas ...
etc ... the Nimmanarati devas ... etc ... the Paranimmitavasavatti
devas ... etc ... the devas of Brahma's body raised a shout: "The
unsurpassed Wheel of Dhamma has been set in motion by the Blessed
One, at Baranasi in the Deer Park at Isipatana, and this cannot be
turned back by any recluse or Brahmin or deva or Mara or Brahma or by
anyone in the world".
N: The devas of the different planes of existence raised a shout of
exultation. There are six classes of devas of the sense sphere and
the devas of the Four Great Kings are the lowest class.
Each of the subsequent planes are higher with higher degrees of
excellence. These are: the Taavati.msa heaven (the heaven of the
Thirtythree), the Yaama heaven, the Tusita heaven, the heaven of
Nimmaanaratii (of devas who delight in creating), the heaven of
Paranimmitavasavatti (of devas who rule over others� creations).
As to the brahma-kaayika devas, these include three heavens and birth
in these is the result of the first stage of fine-material jhaana,
ruupa-jhaana. The highest heaven of the brahma-kaayika devas is the
plane of mahaa-brahma.
There are still higher planes for those who are born as result of
higher stages of ruupa-jhaana and of aruupa-jhaana, but these are not
mentioned here in connection with the raising of the shout of joy.


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