Dhammacakkappavattanasutta, no 16.

From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 14249
Date: 2010-01-04

Dear friends,

Dhammacakkappavattanasutta, no 16
~naa.na~nca pana me dassana.m udapaadi - 'akuppaa me vimutti, aya.m
antimaa jaati, natth'idaani punabbhavo'"ti.
Idamavoca Bhagavaa. Attamanaa pa~ncavaggiyaa bhikkhuu Bhagavato
bhaasita.m abhinandunti.
Imasmi~nca pana veyyaakara.nasmi.m bha~n~namaane aayasmato
Ko.n.da~n~nassa viraja.m viitamala.m dhammacakkhu.m udapaadi - "ya.m
ki~nci samudayadhamma.m, sabba.m ta.m nirodhadhamman"ti.
~naa.na~n/ca/ pana/ me/ dassana.m/ udapaadi/
/knowledge/ and/ then/ in me/ vision/ arose/

'akuppaa/ me/ vimutti/, aya.m/ antimaa/ jaati/,
'unshakable/ in me /liberation/, this/ last/ birth/,

natthi/ 'idaani/ puna/bbhavo/'"ti.
there is not/ now/ again /life/
The knowledge and vision then arose in me - 'Unshakable is liberation
in me, this is my last birth, now there is no more existence again'.
Idam/ avoca/ Bhagavaa.
Thus/ said/ the Blessed One.

Attamanaa/ pa~ncavaggiyaa/ bhikkhuu
delighted/belonging to the group of five/the monks

Bhagavato/ bhaasita.m/ abhinandunti.
by the Blessed One/what was spoken/rejoiced/
Thus said the Blessed One. Delighted, the monks of the group of five
rejoiced in
the Blessed One's words.
Imasmi~nca/ pana/ veyyaakara.nasmi.m/ bha~n~namaane
Then when this explication was being spoken,

aayasmato/ Ko.n.da~n~nassa/ viraja.m/ viitamala.m/
for the venerable/Konda~n~na/free from defilement/without stain/

dhammacakkhu.m/ udapaadi/
eye of dhamma/ arose
there arose in the venerable Konda~n~na the vision of the Dhamma,
free from defilement or stain
"ya.m ki~nci/ samudayadhamma.m/, sabba.m/ ta.m/ nirodhadhamman"ti./
whatever/arising nature/ all/ that/ cessation nature/

"Whatever is subject to arising, all that is subject to cessation".
Then when this explication was being spoken, there arose in the
venerable Konda~n~na the vision of the Dhamma, free from defilement
or stain - "Whatever is subject to arising, all that is subject to
Text: The knowledge and vision then arose in me - 'Unshakable is
liberation in me, this is my last birth, now there is no more
existence again'.
Thus said the Blessed One. Delighted, the monks of the group of five
rejoiced in
the Blessed One's words.
Then when this explication was being spoken, there arose in the
venerable Konda~n~na the vision of the Dhamma, free from defilement
or stain - "Whatever is subject to arising, all that is subject to
grammar: Imasmi~nca pana veyyaakara.nasmi.m bha~n~namaane: locative
absolute, Warder Ch 16, where this expression is given as an
example). bha~n~namaane: bha.nati: to speak, proclaim. ba~n~nati is
passive (Warder index of verbs). -maana: present participle.
Ba~n~namaana: being spoken.

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