From: Mahinda Palihawadana
Message: 14122
Date: 2009-11-23
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 11:33 PM, Jim Anderson <jimanderson.on@...>wrote:
> I still have trouble seeing the meaning of 'mport' for the 'attha' in
> 'atthapa~ncaka.m' and 'tikattho'. I'm seeing 'object' or 'property'
> instead. E.g., the nominative case inflection of 'so puriso' has some
> properties in common with the 3rd person termination of 'gacchati'
> especially in their function of the agen-kaaraka. The subject 'so
> puriso' seems to stand in apposition to 'ti' in the verb. Unlike
> English verbs, Pali verbs have its subject embedded within. The noun
> or pronoun (in the nominative) then describes this subject in greater
> detail. I also wonder if one can read the idea of governor in
>, i.e., the personal termainations govern the subject in
> the nominative.
> > 'gacchati' (pa.thama-purisa predicate), of which padhaanadabba,
> sankhyaa,
> > and kaaraka of of the predicate seem to be given as similar to
> dabba,
> > sankhyaa and kaaraka of the subject. All this is tentative; it is a
> bit
> > hazy to me yet.
> > Is the reading 'ekattha.m' right? Could it be 'ekatta.m' (oneness)?
> Yes, the reading is definitely 'ekatta.m'. 'ekattha.m' is my mistake.
> I have since gone over the passage several times and noticed 3
> omissions. I submit below, my corrected version:
> apica so puriso gacchatiityaadiisu so purisoti pade sakattha-dabba-
> li"nga-sa"nkhyaa-kaarakavasena atthapa~ncaka.m labbhati, gacchatiiti
> aakhyaatapadepi sakattha-padhaanadabba-appadhaanadabba-
> sa"nkhyaa-kaarakavasena atthapa~ncaka.m labbhati. tattha sabbesa.m
> gamanakriyaa sakattho naama, purisassa gamanakriyaa padhaanadabba.m
> naama, purisadabba.m appadhaanadabba.m naama, ekatta.m
> sa"nkhyaa naama, vaacakattaa kaarako naama, tesu appadhaanadabba-
> sa"nkhyaa-kaaraka-sa"nkhaatena tikatthena so purisoti pade dabba-
> sa"nkhyaa-kaarakasa"nkhaato tikattho samaano hoti. tena tulya.m
> samaana.m attho yassaati vacanatthena
> tulyaadhikara.nanti veditabba.m.
> -- from Kaccaayanatthadiipanii, pp.539-40 on Kc 410
> Best wishes,
> Jim
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