Pali Day by Day G061 - The New Pali Course Part II - Ex 26 p203

From: flrobert2000
Message: 13867
Date: 2009-08-04

Exercise 26 p203
Translate into English

1."Ra~n~naa pana vandite bhagavanta.m avanditvaa .thaatu.m samattho naama ekasaakiyopi naahosi." - J. Nidaana [Khuddakanikaaye, Jaataka-a.t.thakathaa, Nidaanakathaa, 3. Santikenidaanakathaa]
[by] king / but / [in] paid homage / Buddha / having not paid homage / to stand / able to / name / certainly one belonging to the Sakya race / was not
avanda + i + tvaa = avanditvaa
vanda + ta = vandita
.thaa + tu.m = .thaatu.m
When (the Blessed One) was worshipped by the king, there wasn't a single Sakiyan who was able to stay without worshipping the Blessed One.

2."Raajaa sa.mviggahadayo hatthena saa.taka.m sa.n.thapento turitaturita.m nikkhamitvaa vegena gantvaa bhagavato purato .thatvaa aaha– "ki.m `ettakaana.m bhikkhuuna.m na sakkaa bhatta.m laddhun'ti sa~n~na.m karitthaa"ti. " - Ibid.
king / agitated heart/ [with] hand / clothe / adjusting / quickly / having gone out / speedily / having gone / [of] Buddha / in front of / having stood / said / why / [of] so much / [of] monks / not / able / rice / to receive / thought
.thaa + tvaa = .thatvaa
ni + kam + i + tvaa = nikkhamitvaa
gamu + tvaa = gantvaa
labha + tu.m = laddhu.m
The king, his heart agitated, adjusted his clothes with his hand, went out quickly, stood in front of the Buddha and said "Why have you thought it (would be) impossible for so many monks to get rice?"

3." Andhabaalapitara.m nissaaya evaruupa.m buddha.m upasa"nkamitvaa ... daana.m vaa daatu.m dhamma.m vaa sotu.m naalattha.m ... a~n~na.m kattabba.m natthii"ti manameva pasaadesi." - Dh. A. i, 27 [Khuddakanikaaye, 1. Yamakavaggo, Dhammapada-a.t.thakathaa, 2. Ma.t.thaku.n.daliivatthu]
very foolish father / because of / such / Buddha / having approached / alms / or / to give / or / to hear / I did not get / other / fit to be done / there is no / mind / made peaceful
niihari + tabba = niiharitabba
pavis+ tabba = pavesetabba
daa + tabba = daatabba
Because of a very foolish father, I didn't get a chance to approach such an Awakened Being and offer (him) alms or listen to the Dhamma. There's nothing else that can be done. So he professed faith mentally."

4."Bhikkhuu tassa gharadvaarena gacchantaa ta.m sadda.m sutvaa ... vihaara.m gantvaa satthu santike nisinnaa evamaaha.msu." - Ibid [Khuddakanikaaye, 1. Yamakavaggo, Dhammapada-a.t.thakathaa, 10. Cundasuukarikavatthu]
monks / his / [through] house door / going / this / sound / having heard / monastery / having gone / teacher / close / sat down / thus said
su + tvaa = sutvaa
gamu + tvaa = gantvaa
ni + sada + i + na = nisinna
The monks went through his house-doors, heard that sound...went to the monastery, sat down close to the Buddha and said thus.

5."Tato so tatiye vasse
Naagindo Ma.niakkhiko
Upasa"nkamma sambuddha.m
Saha sa"ngha.m nimantayi." - Mahaava.msa i, 71 [, Pathamapariccheda, Kalyaa.naagamana.m, §71]
thereupon / he / [in] third / [in] year
Naga chief / having gem eyes
having approached / Omniscient One
with / community of monks / invited
upa + sam + kamu + ya = upasa"nkamma
Thereupon the Naga chief with gem like eyes
Approached the Omniscient One in the third year
and invited him with the community of monks

6." Bhuusaapetvaana nagara.m
Gantvaa sa"ngha.m nimantiya,
Ghara.m netvaana bhojetvaa
Datvaa saama.naka.m bahu.m :
Satthaaraa desito dhammo
Kittako ? ti apucchatha." - Ibid. V. 76 [, Pa~ncama pariccheda, Saasanappavesa, §78]
having caused to be decorated / city
having gone / community of monks / having invited
house / having led / having fed
having given / things that are suitable for the use of monks / a lot
[by] Buddha / expounded / dhamma
how much / asked

gamu + tvaa = gantvaa
ni + mant + ya = nimantiya
daa + tvaa = tvaa
dis + e + ta = desita
Having made the city decorated,
having gone to the community of monks and invited them,
they led them to the house and fed them,
gave a lot of things that are suitable for the use of monks,
and asked : "How much of the Dhamma has been preached by the Buddha?"

7." Bhavanaa abhinikkhamma
Addasa.m Lokanaayaka.m." - Apa [Khuddakanikaaye,, (dutiyo bhaago), 48. Na.lamaalivaggo, 2. Ma.nipuujakatthera-apadaana.m]
[from] dwelling place / having come out
I saw / Lord of the World
Having come out of my dwelling place
I saw the Lord of the World
abhi + kamu + ya = abhinikkhamma

8."Sacaaya.m putto tumhe pa.ticca jaato, aakaase ti.t.thatu, no ce, bhuumiya.m patitvaa maratuu ti." J. Ka.t.thahaari [Khuddakanikaaye, Jaataka-a.t.thakathaa, 1. Ekakanipaato, 1. Apa.n.nakavaggo, 7. Ka.t.thahaarijaatakava.n.nanaa]
If this / son / you (plur.) / because of / is born / [on] sky / stand / if not / [on] earth / having fallen / die
If this son is born because because of you, stand in the sky, if not, fall on the earth and die.
pat + i + tvaa = patitvaa

9. Vivicceva kaamehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi pa.thamajjhaana.m upasampajja viharati.
Having separated / only / [from] pleasure / having separated / [from] unwholesome / [from] things / first Jhana / having attained / dwells
He separated himself from sensual pleasure and from unwholesome things, attained the first Jhana and dwelled in it.
vi + vica + tya = vivicca
upa + sa.m + pad + ya = upasampajja

10."Sabbe sa"ngamma mantetvaa kubbanti Satthuno." Apa. 56 [Khuddakanikaaye,, (pa.thamo bhaago), 2. Siihaasaniyavaggo, 2. Ekatthambhikatthera-apadaana.m, §14]
all / having gathered together / having consulted
garland / do / [for] Master
Having all gathered together and discussed
they made a garland for the Master
mant + e + tvaa = mantetvaa
sa.m + gamu + ya = sa"ngamma

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