From: Jim Anderson
Message: 13712
Date: 2009-06-03
> N: I think this refers to enlightenment, not necessarily toon
> arahatship. As to pada paramo, I think he is wise also, he is well
> the way, although he does not attain enlightenment in that life. Iam
> inclined to give pada a wider meaning, not just the letter.J: I prefer "the wise" for "sappa~n~naa" and "the learned" for
> I agree that for the translation we have to find another word for
> sappa~n~naa. Not easy since there are many degrees of pa~n~naa. It
> can be intellectual understanding of the teachings, and also direct
> understanding acquired through insight. We could choose discernment,
> insight, sagacity (I am looking at the Book of Analysis, para 525
> which gives many synonyms).