From: Jim Anderson
Message: 13700
Date: 2009-05-27
> > J: For the suffixes are of many kinds on account of (their)occurences
> > in various ways in ?nouns, primary derivatives, compounds,secondary
> > derivatives, and verbs.I like 'occuring' better.
> >
> > MP:I would prefer 'occuring' to 'occurences'.
> > probabaly stands for "nouns that are names", i.e. what we callcommon
> > nouns and proper nouns in English grammar.Indian grammaians seemto have
> > regarded all words that take case-endings ( are declined) as nounsand all
> > words that take personal endings (are conjugated) as verbs. Bythe way,
> > there are a few comments on this in Collins' Pali Grammar, p.17.I don't have Collins' book but I have since found an explanation of