From: Mahinda Palihawadana
Message: 13699
Date: 2009-05-27
> > Anekavidhaa hi paccayaa naanappakaaresu naamanaama kitanaamaOYP must be congratulated for coming out with a much better peformance than
> samaasanaama taddhitanaamaakhyaatesu pavattanato.
> > Manifold, indeed, the suffixes, out of the many, [include]
> substantive, verbal derivative, compound, nominal derivative, [and]
> among verbs, from the process.
> J: For the suffixes are of many kinds on account of (their) occurences
> in various ways in ?nouns, primary derivatives, compounds, secondary
> derivatives, and verbs.
> MP:I would prefer 'occuring' to 'occurences'. As for 'naamanaama' ,it
> probabaly stands for "nouns that are names", i.e. what we call common
> nouns and proper nouns in English grammar.Indian grammaians seem to have
> regarded all words that take case-endings ( are declined) as nouns and all
> words that take personal endings (are conjugated) as verbs. By the way,
> there are a few comments on this in Collins' Pali Grammar, p.17.
> .[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]