From: Mahinda Palihawadana
Message: 13680
Date: 2009-05-07
> I have to disagree here. The reading 'itthili"ngattane' is[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> perfectly fine.
> Dear Jim,
> In that case we shall have to construe the words of the stanza as:
> jinamate dhaatusaddo itthili�ngattane mato;
> satthe (dhaatusaddo) pulli�ngabhaavasmi.m (mato);
> kaccaayanamate (dhatusaddo) dvisu (li�ngesu) (mato).
> That is, we have to take 'mato' as implied at the end of the clauses
> beginning with 'satthe' and 'kaccaayanamate' - which is fine. When so
> taken,' itthilingattane' and 'pulli�ngabhaavasmi.m' become parallel, which
> is also fine. The problem to be sorted out then is how to square this
> with the prose passage that follows. Let�s see if we can do that
> satisfactorily.
> Mahinda