From: Dipa .
Message: 13372
Date: 2009-02-28
On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 8:41 AM, Phil <philco777@...> wrote:
> Dear Group
> I have been studying the vanasamyutta (SN 9) in Pali. I find the
> short suttas in which meditating bhikkhus are chastized by concerned
> devata to be very inspiring, and they are a nice short length for a
> Pali beginner to have a look at some texts.
> I wanted to know more about the expressesion khajjasi. In Bhikkhu
> Bodhi's notes, he writes "I read the verb as khajjasi (rather than)
> majjasi, "intoxicated with."
> I don't know enough yet about conjugations and declinations(?)
> to be able to look up words on the online dictionary yet - I keep
> shooting blanks.
> Could anyone tell me the root form of khajjasi, and anything about
> it? Bhikkhu Bodhi uses "eaten" by your thoughts, but when I looked
> up "eat" in English/Pali, I didn't see anything that looked like
> khajjasi.
> Thanks!
> Phil
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