From: Piya Tan
Message: 13192
Date: 2009-01-16
> On 1/16/09, Ong Yong Peng <palismith@... <>>--
> wrote:
> > Dear Mahinda and Piya,
> >
> > I have another look at CSCD footnotes, and found that there are
> > several instances where both Ka and Ka.m appears under the same note.
> > If both Ka and Ka.m refer to Kamboja, then they are very likely to
> > refer to two different Cambodian editions. I am now wondering if
> > either of Ka or Ka.m might be a Thai edition in Khmer script or even a
> > Bangladeshi edition
> I really do not know at the moment how to resolve this. I will look up
> the Sinhala editions available to me and see if they can shed any
> light. Obviously my idea that both Ka and Ka.m refer to Cambodian edd.
> cannot be right.
> >
> > I also come across katthaci as a reference in the CSCD footnotes. I
> > understand the term to mean 'anywhere', and have no idea why
> > 'anywhere' is used as a reference. I guess it means 'anywhere' except
> > CSCD, not sure if I am right.
> Kattha-ci would mean 'in some places', i.e. in certain
> editions/sources, in this context.