From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 13141
Date: 2009-01-04
--- In, gdbedell wrote:
I don't have strong feelings about the best way to organize our
efforts, other than that we should avoid wasting energy by two or more
of us doing the same thing. For my part, I am willing to continue
what I started with pariccheda 2. I would be hesitant to commit to
any schedule, because how fast I can go depends on unpredictable
factors such as the difficulty of the text, how much time I have, and
so on.
> Personally, I prefer a less structured approach in contrast to
> the more structured and systematic one you're suggesting where
> a participating member commits to taking on a whole chapter which
> can range anywhere from less than 10 to about 50 pages. For personal
> reasons, I don't wish to take on a whole chapter at this time but
> am willing to contribute in small ways to the discussions on the
> Saddaniiti.