Re: Saddaniiti

From: gdbedell
Message: 13098
Date: 2008-12-28

Nina, Jon and all,

My profound apologies for the earlier posting. I have converted to Velthuis, but it still
suffers from the non-support of italics and tabs. I don't know what to do about that, but
in the translations of (3) through (10), the endings are intended to be displayed in four by
three arrays, and some of the later definitions presuppose such an arrangement.


--- In, Nina van Gorkom <vangorko@...> wrote:
> Dear George,
> I appreciate very much all the trouble you took, but the diacrital
> signs are hopeless. On Email only Velthuis works. Please, can you
> transcribe all? The conversion pad is very convenient.
> Nina.
> Op 28-dec-2008, om 5:31 heeft gdbedell het volgende geschreven:

II. (Bhavati-kriyaa-pada-maalaa-vibhaaga)

(1) Ito para.m pavakkhaami, sotuuna.m mati-va.d.dhana.m;

kriyaa-pada-kkama.m naama, vibhatt'-aadiini diipaya.m.

*I will explain, for the growth of my audience's wisdom,

the terminology of verbs, starting with endings.

(2) Tatra aakhyaatikassa kiriyaa-lakkha.n-atta-suucikaa ty-aadayo vibhattiyo,

taa a.t.tha-vidhaa vattamaanaa-pañcamii-sattamii-parokkhaa-hiyyattanii-

*Endings such as -ti, etc. indicate the character of the action (performed 
a verb (C. 79), the eight sets: present (tense), imperative (mood), 
(mood), perfect (aspect), imperfect (aspect), aorist (tense), future 
and conditional (mood).

[As pointed out by C. (80), perfect and imperfect forms are not found in 

early Paali literature. They may be due to later influences of Sanskrit on 

Paali. The lists of endings which follow are found in all Paali grammars

beginning with Kaccaayana, with few variations. In the Suttamaalaa, the

same lists are given in suttas 896 to 903. The classification of these 

'conjugations' into tenses, aspects and moods is a Western imposition.]

(3) Tattha ti anti, si tha, mi ma, te ante, se vhe, e mhe icc etaa vattamaanaa-

vibhattiyo naama.

*These are called the present endings:

-ti -anti -te -ante

-si -tha -se -vhe

-mi -ma -e -mhe

[The term vattamaanaa means 'presently existing': an appropriate choice

for the present tense.]

(4) Tu antu, hi tha, mi ma, ta.m anta.m, su vho, e aamase icc etaa pañcamii-

vibhattiyo naama.

*These are called the imperative endings:

-tu -antu -ta.m -anta.m

-hi -tha -su -vho

-mi -ma -e -aamase

[The term pañcamii means 'fifth', and reflects an earlier system. It is 

used for the imperative mood in Kaatantra.]

(5) Eyya eyyu.m, eyyaasi eyyaatha, eyyaami eyyaama, etha era.m, etho 

eyyaavho, eyya.m eyyaamhe icc etaa sattamii-vibhattiyo naama.

*These are called the optative endings:

-eyya -eyyu.m -etha -era.m

-eyyaasi -eyyaatha -etho -eyyaavho

-eyyaami -eyyaama -eyya.m -eyyaamhe

[The term sattamii means 'seventh', and reflects an earlier system. It is 

used for the optative mood in Kaatantra. ]

(6) A u, e ttha, a.m mha, ttha re, ttho vho, i.m mhe icc etaa parokkhaa-

vibhattiyo naama.

*These are called the perfect endings:

-a -u -ttha -re

 -e -ttha -ttho -vho

 -a.m -mha -i.m -mhe

(7) Aa uu, o ttha, a.m mhaa, ttha tthu.m, se vha.m, i.m mhase icc etaa
vibhattiyo naama.

*These are called the imperfect endings:

-aa -uu -ttha -tthu.m

-o -ttha -se -vha.m

-a.m -mhaa -i.m -mhase

(8) Ii u.m, o ttha, i.m mhaa, aa uu, se vha.m, a.m mhe icc etaa ajjatanii-

vibhattiyo naama.
*These are called the aorist endings:

-ii -u.m -aa -uu

-o -ttha -se -vha.m

-i.m -mhaa -a.m -mhe

(9) Ssati ssanti, ssasi ssatha, ssaami ssaama, ssate ssante, ssase ssavhe,

ssa.m ssaamhe icc etaa bhavissantii-vibhattiyo naama.

*These are called the future endings:

-ssati -ssanti -ssate -ssante

-ssasi -ssatha -ssase -ssavhe

-ssaami -ssaama -ssa.m -ssaamhe

[The term bhavissantii is a participle meaning 'going to be'. It is 

used for the future tense in Paa.nini, and also in Kaatantra.]

(10) Ssaa ssa.msu, sse ssatha, ssa.m ssaamhaa, ssatha ssisu, ssase

ssavhe, ssi.m ssaamhase icc etaa kaalaatipatti-vibhatti yo naama.

*These are called the conditional endings:

-ssaa -ssa.msu -ssatha -ssisu

-sse -ssatha -ssase -ssavhe

-ssa.m -ssaamhaa -ssi.m -ssaamhase

(11) Sabbaasametaasa.m vibhattii na.m yaani yaani pubbakaa ni cha
taani taani parassa-padaani naama. Yaani yaani pana paraani
cha padaani, 
taani taani attano-padaani naama. Tattha parassapadaani
vattamaa naa cha, 
pañcamiyo cha, sattamiyo cha, parokkhaa cha,
hiyyattaniyo cha, 
ajjataniyo cha, bhavissantiyo cha, kaalaatipattiyo chaa ti
a.t.tha-cattaalii sa-
vidhaani honti, tathaa itaraani, sabbaani taani
pi.n.ditaani channavuti-vidhaani.

*In each set of endings, the first six are called active, and the last six 

are called middle. Thus in the active there are six present, six

imperative, six optative, six perfect, six imperfect, six aorist, six

future and six conditional endings, totalling forty-eight; the others

(i. e. the middle) are all grouped in the same way.

(12) Parassapadaanam-attanopadaanañ ca dve dve padaani pa.thama-

majjhim-uttama-purisaa naama. Te vattamaa n'-aa diisu cattaaro cattaaro,

a.t.thanna.m vibhattii na.m vasena dvatti.m sa, pi.n.ditaani parimaa.naan' eva.

*In both active and middle, the pairs are called third person, second

person and first person. Beginning with the present there are eight 
of four endings totalling thirty-two.

(13) Dviisu dviisu padesu pa.thama.m pa.thama.m eka-vacana.m, dutiya.m

dutiya.m bahu-vacana.m.

*In each pair, the first is singular, the second plural.

(14) Tatra vattamaanan-vibhattiina.m ti anti, si tha, mi ma icc etaani 

parassapadaani. Te ante, se vhe, e mhe icc etaani attanopadaa ni.

Parassapada-'ttanopadesu pi ti anti iti pa.thamapurisaa, si tha iti

majjhimapurisaa, mi ma iti uttamapurisaa, te ante iti pa.thamapurisaa, 

se vhe iti majjhimapurisaa, e mhe iti uttamapurisaa. Pa.thama-
uttama-purisesu pi ti iti ekavacana.m, anti iti bahuvacanan 
ti eva.m
ekavacana-bahuvacanaani kamato ñeyyaani. Eva.m sesaasu 
parassapada-'ttanopada-pa.thama-majjhim- uttama-
bahuvacanaani ñeyyaani.
*Thus the present endings ti anti, si tha, mi ma
are active, and te ante, 
se vhe, e mhe are middle. Of the active and
middle, ti anti are third 
person, si tha are second person, mi ma are
first person, te ante are 
third person, se vhe are second person and
e mhe are first person. 
Of the third, second and first person, ti is singular
and anti is plural, 
and so for the others. The rest of the endings are
understood to be 
active or middle, third, second or first person and
singular or plural 

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