Dear Nina,

Thanks for your kind remarks. Yesterday, I took a look at some lines in the
1st pariccheda of the Saddaniiti. I have trouble understanding a few words
in the first verse, especially "sita.m" and "idha" and then there is the
matter of "yena". Could it be a correlative of the "ta.m" that commences the
second verse? The pariccheda opens with 15 verses and then proceeds to
define the grammatical term "dhaatu". Knowing that "dhaatu" is also an
important term in Abhidhamma (the 18 dhaatus), I looked up the explanations
in the Visuddhimagga (Dhaatuvitthaarakathaa in Ch. 15) and its .tiikaa. I
also checked out the definition in Abhyankar's _A Dictionary of Sanskrit
Grammar_ and then from there I checked out Pata~njali on P I.3.1 (one of the
references in the article). I'm away from most of my books until April so I
will have some limitations in my investigations and what I can contribute to
the discussions. I will also be continuing with the study of Kaccaayana's
grammar and some other miscelaneous studies already on the go. The group
discussions on the Saddaniiti should be very interesting and I will be
following them closely.

Best wishes,

> N: Thank you very much for your useful remarks, I appreciate them.
> Even a few phrases will give us already the flavour of the
> Saddaniiti. It can help to penetrate more deeply into the Tipi.taka
> texts and this is our goal. I only translated a few sentences of the
> Saddaniiti on the meaning of dhamma and I was impressed.
> Perhaps in order to give us the flavour, could you, please, give us a
> fragment? Even this is helpful.