From: gdbedell
Message: 13069
Date: 2008-12-23
>I wonder too; also how the grammars were (and are) used as Paali teaching materials. My point is that
> I wonder how commentary writers used formal Pali grammar rules in
> interpreting ambiguous passages? Or how committees of monks editing
> definitive editions of the Tipitaka or how translators used it when
> faced with difficult points of grammar?
> BTW has anyone ever seen "Kachchayano's Pali grammar with ChrestomathyThere is a 1984 reprint of Mason (Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications). It should be available from ABE or
> and Vocabulary" by Francis Mason, D.D., Toungoo, Burma, 1868? Does
> this work actually reflect Kaccayana's Pali grammar?