From: Piya Tan
Message: 13038
Date: 2008-12-12
> Dear Palistas,--
> I wonder if any well-read person can solve this problem for me. Within
> certain sutra I a reading in Chinese, the interlocutor asks the Buddha
> about
> the true meaning of a verse he is said to have uttered to console the
> heart-broken King Pasenadi upon the death of his mother (but probably,
> grandmother). The verse roughly translates as follows:
> "If even Buddhas, Pratyekabuddhas and shravakas cast off their impermanent
> bodies, then how much more so in the case of ordinary people (puthajjanas)
> !"
> Does anybody recognize an approximate Pali equivalent for this verse ? Bear
> in mind that it may not, in fact, actually occur in connection with
> Pasenadi
> in the Pali canon. Unfortunately, there is nothing here that one could
> readily use as a keyword to do a quick canonical search.
> Thanks,
> Stephen Hodge