In most of the cases we find the aorist form "tenupasa"nkami" (as in
atha kho raajaa maagadho ajaatasattu vedehiputto yena bhagavaa
tenupasa"nkami)but then in some instances we find "tenupasa"nkama"
such as in "ehi tva.m,, yena bhagavaa tenupasa"nkama" or in
"ehi tva.m taata amba.t.tha, yena gotamo tenupasa"nkama".
Where does this form come? What would be the correct translation of
this sentence then?
In the first case ajaatasattu is subject of upasa"nkami but in the
second case is tva.m the subject of tenupasa"nkama? What tense is then?
Kind regards,
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