From: flrobert2000
Message: 12890
Date: 2008-10-02
>course be
> Dear Yong,
> Thanks.
> The order of words you give is that of English. It would of
> different by the Pali order. In Pali we never begin a sentencewith a
> particle like 'viya'.It has to
> No problem with mahaa. What is important is "karu.nayaa'paha.ta".
> be thus by virtue of the Vasantatilakaa metre. (LLSLSSSLSSLSLLwhere L
> stands for long syllable and S for short.You can see that the 8thsyllable
> has to be long.)that there
> The 'poetic idea' here is that compassion so filled his heart
> was no space (avakaasa) in it for feelings of greed - i.e.,compassion
> totally banished (apaha.ta) greed.wrote:
> Sorry about the typing errors in my hurriedly composed second post.
> Mahinda
> On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 6:35 PM, Ong Yong Peng <palismith@...>
> > Dear Mahinda and Florent,
> >
> > Mahinda, thanks for your explanation, particularly on Pali metre,
> > which I am not familiar with. However, just to point out, 'mahaa-
> > was in the original question.preceding
> >
> > "Citte mahaakaru.nayaa c
> > Duura.m jagaama viya tassa hi vatthuta.nhaa."
> >
> > I would rewrite in prose as (again, without considering the
> > text):hi
> >
> > "Viya tassa vatthuta.nhaa citte mahaakaru.naaya paha.taavakaasaa
> > duura.m jagaama."compassion of
> > "Just as his desire for wealth, obstructed by the great
> > the heart, has indeed gone far."Palihawadana
> >
> > Florent, we can still look at the preceding text if you want to.
> >
> > metta,
> > Yong Peng.
> >
> > --- In <>, Mahinda
> > wrote:the
> >
> > Going by what you have quoted from the text book, it looks as if
> > prose order of the words in this stanza is: "tassa vatthu-ta.nhaa hi
> > citte mahaa-karu.nayaa apaha.ta-avakaasaa duura.m jagaama viya".This
> > could (literally) mean: "His greed for wealth (vatthu) was as ifit
> > had gone far (away), space (avakaassa) (for it) having beentaken away
> > (denied) by the great compassion of the heart."be "mahaakaru.nayaa'paha.taavakaasaa..."
> >
> > The correct punctuation would
> > apahat.a is PP from apaharati: take away. Literally 'taken away'but
> > actually, 'denied'. 'vatthu' means both 'field' and 'wealth'. Thewishes.)
> > particle 'hi' is more or less a gap-filler and can be left
> > untranslated. (Or, it can be translated as 'indeed', if one so
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]