My name is Michael and in my academic work I am examining the role
of the mindful observation of vedana as a means to awakening in the
Majjhima Nikaya.
However, Iran across the issue of the 4 Nutriements and am wondering
about the factor of manosa~ncetanaa. First, the model of the 4
Nutrients is not very often stated in MN or DN: is it moreso
examined in the other Nikayas?
Secondly, it seems that Nyanamoli's/Bodhi's trans
of 'manosa~ncetanaa' as mental volition is ok, but knowing what we
now know about the ubiquity of emotion, would something like psycho-
emotional volition not be more to the point?
Does the prefix 'sa~n' only indicate an intensification of cetanaa,
or volition? (ive been looking to find some answers in the PED, but
it is tough for me).
Lastly, would not the term 'manosa~ncetanaa' be rather synonymous
with the the 8th and 9th factors of Dep Orig, craving and grasping,
as the 8th and 9th factors are obviously the arising of mental
volition? What of the aggregate sankhara in the 5 Aggs?
Any guidance or ideas on these issues would be greatly appreciated!
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