From: Piya Tan
Message: 12119
Date: 2008-02-07
On Feb 7, 2008 10:58 AM, gdbedell <gdbedell@...> wrote:
> Yong Peng,
> Recently a got a copy of Buddhadatta's Aids to Pali Conversation and
> Translation (1951).
> It is a small book (228 pp.) with five components: Words in groups (pp.
> 1-46),
> Conversations (pp. 47-86), Aids to Translation (pp. 87-133), Pali-English
> Vocabulary (pp.
> 134-79), English-Pali Vocabulary (pp. 180-228). There are no exercises as
> such, but the
> translation passages could be used (fairly difficult, though). How helpful
> it would be to
> those interested in spoken Pali I cannot say, but I would be willing to
> type it out as you
> have been doing for the New Course II. I would need a few pointers about
> format, and the
> copyright question is also pertinent.
> George Bedell
> --- In <>, "Ong Yong Peng" <
> pali.smith@...> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Jon and friends,
> >
> > thank you for the introduction. You are right that I am an electrical
> > engineer, and computer programming is a great hobby to me. It is a
> > great pleasure to know you.
> >
> > I also like to extend a big welcome to all new members of the list.
> >
> > In the next few days, I will provide the list with a plan for 2008,
> > within which I hope to include a programming project, so that the
> > "builders" among us can have something to work on. ;-)
> >
> > metta,
> > Yong Peng.
> >
The Minding Centre
Blk 644 Bukit Batok Central #01-68 (2nd flr)
Singapore 650644
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