Re: Pali list of different kinds of languages?

From: Jon Fernquest
Message: 12026
Date: 2008-01-26

Thank you very much Piya Tan for transliterating from Pali to Burmese.

I went to the Siam Society library today (which is the library best
stocked with English language books on Buddhism besides maybe
Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University) and (by luck) found something
that resembles the passage in the Burmese history book that I presented.

In the Brahama-Jala Sutta [Perfect Net Sutra] of the Digha Nikaya the
Buddha defines tiracchaana kathaa [animal talk or low talk] defined by a
list of topics including "tales of kings and their high ministers,
armies and wars, stories of communities, villages, trading towns and
cities, tales of the countryside or heroes and about adventures on the
seas...precisely these are the stuff out of which the chronicles of
history are made" (Gokhale, 1979, 100)

"Tales of kings, of robbers, of ministers of state, tales of war, of
terrors, of battles; talk about foods and drinks, clothes, beds,
garlands, perfumes; talks about relationships, equipages, villages,
town, cities, and countries; tales about women [8], and about heroes;
gossip at street corners [56], or places whence [\q 014/] water is
fetched; ghost stories [57]; desultory talk [58]; speculations about the
creation of the land or sea [59], or about existence and non-existence

Source: Digha Nikaya: Brahma-jala Sutta\

From: Gokhale, Balkrishna Govind (1979) "On Buddhist Historiography," in
Narain, A. K. and L. Zwilling, L.(eds) (1979) Studies in Pali and
Buddhism : a memorial volume in honor of Bhikkhu Jagdish Kashyap, New
Delhi: B. R. Pub. Corp.

Jon Fernquest

--- In, "Piya Tan" <dharmafarer@...> wrote:
> Mingalapa,
> Here is my true are reconstructing the Burmese terms into standard
Pali, for
> what
> Burmese I am ignorant of.
> There is one I am unable to decipher.
> Piya
> On Jan 25, 2008 8:03 PM, Jon Fernquest bayinnaung@... wrote:
> > Rajaa,kathaa = Yazatan - the language of kings,
> > Cora,kathaa = Sawrakatan - the language of thieves,
> > Mahaamacca,kathaa = Mahamatakatan - the language of great ministers,
> > Sena,kathaa = Theinakatan - the language of soldiers,
> > Bhaya,kathaa = Bayakatan - the language of danger,
> > Yodhaa,kathaa = Yotakatan - the language of shooting weapons,
> > Anna,kathaa = Annakatan - the language of rice,
> > Vaana,kathaa = Banakatan - the language of pleasure,
> > Vattha,kathaa = Wuttakatan - the language of Basoes [male sarongs]
> > clothing,
> > Sayana,kathaa = Thayanakatan - the language of the place where one
> >
> > Maalaa,kathaa = Malakatan - the language of flowers (?)
> > Gandha,kathaa = Gandagatan - the language of scents,
> > ~Naatii,kathaa = Nyatikatan - the language of families,
> > Yaana,kathaa = Yanakatan - the language of conveyance (vehicles,
> > transportation),
> > Gaama,katha = Gamakatan - the language of villages.
> > Nigama,kathaa = Nigamakatan - the language of Nigon (hamlets or
> > villages),
> > Nagara,kathaa = Nagarakatan - the language of towns,
> > Janapada,kathaa = Zanabatakatan - the language of Zanabot (hamlets
> > small villages),
> > I.t.thii,kathaa = Eindikatan - the language of women,
> > Purisa,kathaa = Burithakatan - the language of men,
> > Sura,katha = Thurakatan - the language of heroes,
> > Viithika,kathaa = Withikatatan - the language of arriving at the end
> > one's journey,
> > ??? Kompatanakatan - the language of places where there is water,
> > Pubba,peta,kathaa = Bobbabeitakatan - the language of ancestors,
> > Nanatta,kathaa = Nanattakatan - language without any special
> > Loka,kaayika,kathaa = Lawkakayikan - language describing those who
> > the world with supernatural power and other related language,
> > Samudda,kayika,kathaa = Thamoddakkayikan - the describing how King
> > dug the ocean and other related language.
> > Iddhi,bhava,kathaa = EidiBawabawakatan - the language in which
topics are
> > brought up and pass away in talking without any purpose. (?)
> > Viggaahika,kathaa = Wiggahikakatan - harsh and cruel language.
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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