From: Piya Tan
Message: 12023
Date: 2008-01-26
On Jan 25, 2008 8:03 PM, Jon Fernquest <bayinnaung@...> wrote:
> Rajaa,kathaa = Yazatan - the language of kings,
> Cora,kathaa = Sawrakatan - the language of thieves,
> Mahaamacca,kathaa = Mahamatakatan - the language of great ministers,
> Sena,kathaa = Theinakatan - the language of soldiers,
> Bhaya,kathaa = Bayakatan - the language of danger,
> Yodhaa,kathaa = Yotakatan - the language of shooting weapons,
> Anna,kathaa = Annakatan - the language of rice,
> Vaana,kathaa = Banakatan - the language of pleasure,
> Vattha,kathaa = Wuttakatan - the language of Basoes [male sarongs] and
> clothing,
> Sayana,kathaa = Thayanakatan - the language of the place where one sleeps,
> Maalaa,kathaa = Malakatan - the language of flowers (?)
> Gandha,kathaa = Gandagatan - the language of scents,
> ~Naatii,kathaa = Nyatikatan - the language of families,
> Yaana,kathaa = Yanakatan - the language of conveyance (vehicles,
> transportation),
> Gaama,katha = Gamakatan - the language of villages.
> Nigama,kathaa = Nigamakatan - the language of Nigon (hamlets or small
> villages),
> Nagara,kathaa = Nagarakatan - the language of towns,
> Janapada,kathaa = Zanabatakatan - the language of Zanabot (hamlets or
> small villages),
> I.t.thii,kathaa = Eindikatan - the language of women,
> Purisa,kathaa = Burithakatan - the language of men,
> Sura,katha = Thurakatan - the language of heroes,
> Viithika,kathaa = Withikatatan - the language of arriving at the end of
> one's journey,
> ??? Kompatanakatan - the language of places where there is water,
> Pubba,peta,kathaa = Bobbabeitakatan - the language of ancestors,
> Nanatta,kathaa = Nanattakatan - language without any special purpose,
> Loka,kaayika,kathaa = Lawkakayikan - language describing those who created
> the world with supernatural power and other related language,
> Samudda,kayika,kathaa = Thamoddakkayikan - the describing how King Thagara
> dug the ocean and other related language.
> Iddhi,bhava,kathaa = EidiBawabawakatan - the language in which topics are
> brought up and pass away in talking without any purpose. (?)
> Viggaahika,kathaa = Wiggahikakatan - harsh and cruel language.
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