From: Piya Tan
Message: 11973
Date: 2008-01-21
On Jan 21, 2008 5:58 PM, johan wijaya <dhamma_joti@...> wrote:
> Could anyone help me with the translation of this verse as follows:
> "Na ta.m paadaa vadhissaami, na dantehi na so.n.diyaa;
> mii.lhena ta.m vadhissaami, puuti ha~n~natu puutinaa"ti
> This is taken from Jaataka-a.t.thakatha II, verse 154, [211] Roman page.
> By PTS, it's translated into:
> Non pede, longinquave manu, non dentibus utar:
> stercore, cui stercus cura, perise decet.
> That translation reads to me like Latin. and I don't understand Latin.
> Could someone help me with it? Thanks in advance.
> Metta,
> Jo.
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