From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 11939 Date: 2008-01-17
The New Pali Course Part II
Ven. A. P. Buddhadatta
3. The rivers in this province spring from the range of hills around
Adam's Peak.
4. Having deposited the relics of the royal sage in the vault of the
dagoba, the king went there to do homage to them every year.
5. The lord of the yakkhas surpassed even Sakka in point of wealth.
6. The night being far spent, the deities who had assembled to hear
the sage's discourse saluted him and disappeared.
7. The queen pondered over this question for a long time and finally
ordered her maids to bring the stranger to her presence.
8. The thieves have taken away all the gold coins that the old woman
had deposited in the brass vessel under the floor of her bedroom.
9. She despises her husband because he did not send her even a single
letter since he left the country.
10. The remaining portion of his inheritance he handed over to his
beloved sister, and bidding good-bye to her, set forth from the city,
bound for an unknown destination.
New Words.
Adam's Peak = samantakuu.ta-pabbata (m).
bedroom = sayanaagaara (n).
beloved = piya (adj).
bidding good-bye = viyogaasa.msana.m katvaa.
bound for = [must here be translated] gamanaaya or gantukaamo.
deposited = nidahita (pp).
despises = avamaaneti, nindati (v).
destination = patthita.t.thaana (n).
disappeared = antaradhaayi (v).
even = api (indec).
far spent = abhikkanta (pp).
finally = osaane, ante (loc).
handed over = pa.ticchaapesi (v).
having deposited = nidahitvaa (abs).
homelessness = anagaariya (n).
inheritance = daayaada (m).
in point of wealth = dhanena (ins).
maid = paricaarikaa (f).
marched against = abbhuyyaasi (v).
ponders = jhaayati, anuvitakketi (v).
presence = abhimukha (n).
province = padesa, janapada (m).
range of hills = pabbataraaji (f).
remaining = avasi.t.tha (pp).
royal sage = raajisi (m).
set forth = nikkhami (v).
since = [-kaalato] pa.t.thaaya (indec).
single = ekaka (adj).
stranger = aagantuka (m).
surpassed = atikkami (v).
unknown = avidita, apaaka.ta (pp).
vault = abbhantara [-gabbha] (m).
Passive Voice
82. It was stated in §65 that the passive base is formed by adding ya
to the root. This ya is affixed to the root in various ways:
A. It is directly added after roots ending in a vowel. In that case
the radical aa of the root is changed to ii; i and u are lengthened.
B. To the roots ending in a consonant (when the euphonic vowel is
removed) it is added with the help of an ii (or i).
C. In many cases y of ya after a root ending in a consonant is
assimilated to that consonant or changed together with it.
daa (to give) + ya + ti = diiyati (is given)
paa (to drink) + ya + ti = piiyati (is drunk)
ci (to collect) + ya + ti = ciiyati (is collected)
su (to hear) + ya + ti = suuyati (is heard)
ni (to lead) + ya + ti = niiyati (is lead or carried)
bhuu (to be) + ya + ti = bhuuyati (is becoming)
Note. Sometimes y is reduplicated and a long vowel before it is shortened.
su + ya + ti = suyyati (is heard)
ni + ya + ti = niyyati (is led or carried)
karA (to do) + ii + ya + ti = kariiyati (is done)
hasA (to laugh) + ii + ya + ti = hasiiyati (is laughed at)
sarA (to remember) + ii + ya + ti = sariiyati (is remembered)
[base] bhu~nja (to eat) + ii + ya + ti = bhu~njiiyati (is eaten)
[base] iccha (to wish) + ii + ya + ti = icchiiyati (is wished)
pacA (to cook) + ya + ti = paccati (is cooked)
hanA (to kill) + ya + ti = ha~n~nati (is killed)
khaadA (to eat) + ya + ti = khajjati (is eaten)
badhA (to bind) + ya + ti = bajjhati (is bound or confined)
labhA (to get) + ya + ti = labbhati (is got)
(to be continued...)
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