DN 31 Translation - part 7 From: John Kelly
Message: 11781
Date: 2007-11-22
DN 31 Translation - part 7 From: John Kelly
Message: 11781
Date: 2007-11-22
Continuation of the DN 31 translation and grammatical
3. "Yato kho gahapati-putta
ariya-saavakassa cattaaro kamma-kilesaa pahiinaa honti, catuuhi ca .thaanehi paapa-kamma.m
na karoti, cha ca bhogaana.m apaaya-mukhaani na sevati, so eva.m cuddasa paapakaa
'pagato chaddisaa pa.ticchaadii, ubho-loka-vijayaaya pa.tipanno hoti, tassa aya~n
c'eva loko aaraddho hoti paro ca loko. Kaayassa
bhedaa param mara.naa sugati.m sagga.m loka.m upapajjati.
yato - ind - on account of which
kho - ind emph enc - indeed
gahapati-putta - gen TP cpd *, m-a/voc/sg - young householder
ariya-saavakassa - KD cpd, m-a/dat/sg - for the noble disciple
ariya - adj, stem
- noble
saavakassa - m-a/dat/sg - for the disciple
cattaaro - num adj, m/nom/pl - four
kamma-kilesaa - gen TP cpd, m-a/nom/pl - defilements of conduct
kamma - n-a/stem - of action
kilesaa - m-a/nom/pl - defilements
pahiinaa - pa+haa I, pp, m/nom/pl - abandoned
honti - huu I, pres act, 3rd/pl - there are
catuuhi - num adj, n/ins/pl - by four
ca - ind conj enc - and
.thaanehi - n-a/ins/pl - by the reasons
paapa-kamma.m - KD cpd, n-a/acc/sg - evil action
paapa - adj, stem
- evil
kamma.m - n-a/acc/sg - action
na - ind neg advs - not
karoti - kar VI, pres act, 3rd/sg - he does
cha - num adj, n/acc/pl - six
ca - ind conj enc - and
bhogaana.m - m-a/gen/pl - of possessions
apaaya-mukhaani - gen TP cpd, n-a/acc/pl - sources of loss
apaaya - m-a/stem - of loss
mukhaani - n-a/acc/pl - openings
na - ind neg advs - not
sevati - sev I, pres act, 3rd/sg -
he pursues
so - 3rd pers pro, m/nom/sg - he
eva.m - adv - thus
cuddasa - num adj, m/acc/pl - fourteen
paapakaa – adj, n-a/acc/pl – evil (things)
apagato ('pagato: sandhi elis) - apa+gam
I, pp, m/nom/sg - removed
chaddisaa - DG cpd *, f-aa/acc/pl - the six directions
pa.ticchaadii - m-in/nom/sg - one covering, protecting
- gen TP cpd, m-a/stem - for the conquest
of both worlds
ubho-loka - KD cpd, m-a/stem - both worlds
ubho - adj, stem
- both
loka - m-a/stem - world
vijayaaya - m-a/dat/sg - for the conquest
pa.tipanno - pa.ti+pad III, pp, m/nom/sg -
entered upon a path
hoti - huu I, pres act, 3rd/sg - he is
tassa - 3rd pers pro, n/dat/sg – for him
aya.m (aya~n: sandhi assim) - dem pro, m/nom/sg
- this
ca (c': sandhi elis) - ind conj enc - and
eva - adv emph - just, very
loko - m-a/nom/sg - world
aaraddho - aa+rabh I, pp, m/nom/sg - begun; resolved; attained, realized
hoti - huu I, pres act, 3rd/sg -
it is
paro - adj, m-a/nom/sg - other
ca - ind conj enc - and
loko - m-a/nom/sg - world
kaayassa - m-a/gen/sg - of the body
bhedaa - m-a/abl/sg - from the break-up
para.m (param: sandhi assim) - adv - after
mara.naa - n-a/abl/sg - death
- KD cpd, f-i/acc/sg - good destination
- ind pref - good,
well, thoroughly
- f-i/acc/sg - destination
sagga.m - m-a/acc/sg - heaven
loka.m - m-a/acc/sg - world
uppajjati - up+pad III, pres act, 3rd/sg - he arises
3. "Young man, by abandoning the four
impure actions, a noble disciple refrains from harmful deeds rooted in four
causes and avoids the six ways of squandering wealth. So, these fourteen
harmful things are removed. The noble disciple, now with the six directions
protected, has entered upon a path for conquering both worlds, firmly grounded
in this world and the next.
the dissolution of the body after death, a good rebirth occurs in a heavenly
With metta,
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