Pali Day by Day G001 - The New Pali Course Part II

From: flrobert2000
Message: 11619
Date: 2007-08-26

Dear all,

This posting will mark the beginning of the publication of the answers
(Pali to English) to the second part of Venerable Buddhadatta's book ,
Pali Made Easy. It is considerably more difficult than the first part,
since quite a lot of sentences are directly chosen from the Pali Canon
and are most of the time out of context. I actually looked up the
sentences in the CSCD and referenced them again since I found
sometimes Ven. Buddhadatta's references a bit vague. I found it useful
when I needed to put back some sentences in context. So I will add the
CSCD references along with the ones found in the book when needed.

I am still living in Myanmar and I would like to take the opportunity
to thank Venerable Nodhiñ (Pali teacher to foreigners at the
ITBMU in Yangon) who has been helping me a lot (and still is!) through
the intricacies of this beautiful Pali language. He has given me also
lots of advice and guidance in the translations that will follow.
However, there are still a lot of mistakes and inaccuracies which I am
sure you will point out and I hope this will lead to interesting
discussions. Unfortunately one of the disadvantages of living in
Myanmar is that the internet connection is very poor, especially when
it comes to using Yahoo. I will try to do my best to post the answers
as regularly as possible, but please bear this situation in mind if
don't answer too quickly.

With metta,


Exercise 1 p5
Translate into English and disjoin the sandhis

1.Tesa.m dvinna.m nivesanesu bahunna.m bhikkhuuna.m paññattaan' ev'
aasanaani honti.
[of] those / two / [in] houses / [for] many / [for] monks / prepared /
only / seats / are
In the houses of those two (people), seats are only prepared for many

paññattaan' ev' aasanaani = paññattaani + eva + aasanaani

2."Puttaa m' atthi dhanam m' atthi,
Iti baalo vihaññati." Dhp. 62
sons / me / is / wealth / me / is
fool / worries
The fool worries: "I have sons, I have wealth"

m' atthi = me + atthi

3.Puraa Vesalivaasiina.m mahanto rogupaddavo ahosi.
formerly / [to] people of Vesali / great / calamity of disease / was
Formerly there was a great calamity of disease to the people of Vesali.

4.1.Sabb' eva maya.m dhamma.m sutvaa ta.m saadhuka.m manasi karissaama.
all / only / we / Dhamma / having listened / it / well / [in] mind /
will make
Having listened to the Dhamma, we all will reflect about it carefully.

sabb'eva = sabbe + eva

5.Sabbam p' ida.m amhaaka.m dehanissita.m vinassati.
all / also / this thing / our / connected with the body / will perish
Everything connected with our body will also perish.

sabbam p' idan = sabba.m + api + ida.m

6."No h' eta.m bhante" ti bhikkhuu Bhagavato vadi.msu.
it is not so / venerable / monks / [to] Buddha / said
"It is not so Venerable", said the monks to the Buddha.

no h' eta.m = no + hi + eta.m

7.Daasen' aaha.taani daaruuni gahetvaa daasii yaagu.m paci.
[by] slave / brought / firewoods / having taken / female slave / gruel
/ cooked
The female slave took the firewoods brought by the slave and cooked gruel.

daasen' aaha.taani = daasena + aaha.taani

8.Yadaa' ha.m nagaram agamaasi.m tad'eko puriso mama chatta.m ga.nhi.
when / I / [to] city / went / then / one / man / my / umbrella / took
One man took my umbrella when I went to the city.

yadaa'ha.m = yadaa + aha.m
tadaa + eko = tad'eko
nagara.m agamaasi.m = nagara.m + agamaasi.m

9.Daarakaa pupphaan' ocinitu.m vana.m gantvaa setaani' pi niilaani'pi
pupphaan' aahari.msu.
boys / flowers / to cut / [to] forest / having gone / white / and /
blue / and / flowers / brought
The boys went to the forest to cut some flowers and brought white and
blue flowers.

pupphaan' ocinitu.m = pupphaani + ocinitu.m
setaani' pi = setaani + api
niilaani'pi = niilaani + api
pupphaan' aahari.msu = pupphaani + aahari.msu

10."Tena h' aavuso ga.nhatha me patta-ciivaran" ti thero aaha.
if it is so / friend / take / my / bowl and robe / elder / said
"If it is so friend, take my bowl and robe", said the elder.

h' aavuso = hi + aavuso
patta-ciivaranti = patta-ciivara.m + iti

11."Thero naasaaya tela.m aasiñcanto nisinnako' va aasiñcitvaa
antogaama.m paavisi." Dh. A. i. 10 [Khuddakanikaaye,
Dhammapada-a.t.thakathaa (pa.thamo bhaago), 1. Yamakavaggo, 1.
elder / [on] nose / oil / pouring / sitting down / only / having
poured / inside the village / entered
Wishing to pour oil on his nose, the elder sat down and poured some
and then entered the village.

nisinnako' va = nisinnako + eva

12.Anaathapi.n.diko' pi visaakhaa' pi mahaaupaasikaa nibaddha.m
divasassa dve vaare Tathaagatass' upa.t.thaana.m gacchanti.
Anaathapi.n.diko / and / Visaakhaa / great female devotee / always /
[of] day / two / times / [to] Buddha / attending / go
Anaathapi.n.dika and the great female devotee Visaakhaa always go
attending the Buddha twice a day.

Anaathapi.n.diko' pi = Anaathapi.n.diko + api
visaakhaa' pi = visaakhaa + api

13.Ugga.nhitukaamaa daarakaa paato' v' u.t.thaaya kiñci bhuñjitvaa
satthasaala.m gacchanti.
Willing to learn / boys / early morning / got up / something / having
eaten / [to] school / go
The boys willing to learn, get up early morning, eat something and go
to school.

paato' v' u.t.thaaya = paato + eva + u.t.thaaya
ugga.nhitukaamaa = ugga.nhitu.m + kaamaa

14.Kumbhaghosako kaalass' eva vu.t.thaaya Raajagahanagare kammakaare
Kumbhaghosako / early / having risen up / [in] Raajagahanagara /
workmen / awoke
Having risen up early, Kumbhaghosaka awoke the workmen in Raajagahanagara.

kaalass' eva = kaalassa + eva

15.Mahaa-Mahindatthero aññehi catuuhi pabbajitahi saddhi.m
La'nkaadiipam aagantvaa jinerita.m saddhamma.m La'nkikaana.m desesi.
the great Elder Mahinda / [with] other / [with] four / monks / with /
[to] Sri-Lanka / having come / preached by the Buddha / true Dhamma /
[to] Sri-Lankans / taught
The great Elder Mahinda came to Sri-Lanka with four other monks and
taught the true Dhamma preached by the Buddha to the Sri-Lankans.

jina + iirita.m = jinerita.m

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