Exercise 1
Translate into Pali, forming Sandhis where it is suited

1. One of my friends gave me a book when I went to the village.
eko / mayha.m / mittaana.m / desi / ma.m / potthaka.m / yadaa /
aha.m / agami.m / gaama.m
Mayha.m mittaana.m eko potthaka.m ma.m desi, yadaa aha.m gaama.m

2. All beings disappear casting off their bodies at the end of their
sabbaa / sattaa / vinassanti / vijahitvaa / tesaana.m / kaaye /
ante / tesaana.m / jiivitaana.m
Sabbaa sattaa (tesaana.m) kaaye (tesaana.m) jiivitaana.m ante
vijahitvaa vinassanti.

3. The girls brought blue and red flowers and gave them to their
mother and father.
ka~n~naayo / aanetvaa / niilaani / pi / rattaani / pupphaani /
desu.m / taasa.m / maataapitarana.m
Ka~n~naayo niilaani pi rattaani pi pupphaani aanetvaa taasa.m
maataapitarana.m desu.m.

4. The ten fruits brought by the father are divided among the sons
and the daughters by the mother.
dasa / phalaani / aaha.taani / pitaraa / honti / bhaajitaa /
antare / puttesu / ca / dhiitusu / maataraa
Pitaraa aaha.taani dasa phalaani puttesu ca dhiitusu ca antare
maataraa bhaajitaa honti.

5. There were many seats prepared for the monks in the monastery of
ahosu.m / bahuuni / aasanaani / pa~n~nattaani / bhikkhuuna.m /
vihaare / jetavanassa
Jetavanassa vihaare bhikkhuuna.m pa~n~nattaani bahuuni aasanaani

6. Formerly there was a great calamity by disease to the people in
puraa / ahosi / mahanto / rogupaddavo / purisaana.m / la`nkaaya.m
Puraa la`nkaaya.m purisaana.m mahanto rogupaddavo ahosi.

7. "It is not so, brethren," said the Elder Saariputta to the
no h'eta.m / aavuso / aaha / saariputtatthero / bhikkhavo
"No h'eta.m aavuso"ti Saariputtatthero bhikkhavo aaha.

8. The Great Elder said to the villagers: "Tomorrow we shall go to
mahathero / aaha / gaamavaasino / suve / maya.m / gacchaama /
Mahathero gaamavaasino "Maya.m Saavatthi.m suve gacchaama"ti aaha.

Link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Pali/message/11467

Please correct me if there is any mistakes.

Yong Peng.