The New Pali Course Part II [1-5/8]
From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 11554
Date: 2007-08-11
The New Pali Course Part II (1938)
Ven. A. P. Buddhadatta
14. A long vowel before a reduplicated consonant is often shortened.
paraa + kamo = parakkamo
aa + khaato = akkhaato
ta.nhaa + khayo = ta.nhakkhayo
mahaa + phala.m = mahapphala.m
aa + saado = assaado
The exceptions to this rule are:
vedanaa + khandho = vedanaakkhandho
yathaa + kama.m = yathaakkama.m
pa~n~naa + khandho = pa~n~naakkhandho
15. A vowel before a consonant is sometimes lengthened and sometimes
shortened for the sake of prosody.
khanti + parama.m = khantii parama.m
jaayati + soko = jaayatii soko
ma~n~nati + baalo = ma~n~natii baalo
nibbattati + dukkha.m = nibbattatii dukkha.m
bhovaadii + naama so hoti = bhovaadi naama so hoti
yi.t.tha.m vaa + huta.m vaa + loke = yi.t.tha.m va huta.m va loke
Buddhe yadi vaa + saavake = Buddhe yadi va saavake
16. O in 'so' and 'eso' before a consonant is sometimes changed into a.
eso + dhammo = esa dhammo
so + muni = sa muni
so + siilavaa = sa siilavaa
eso + patto = esa patto
eso + idaani = esa'daani
Exercise 3
Translate into English, pointing out the sandhis
1. Manussaa aayukkhayena kammakkhayena pu~n~nakkhayena ca maranti.
2. Sumedha-taapaso pa.thamajjhaana.m dutiyajjhaana~nca nibbattesi.
3. Nimmalassa siilassa paalana.m mahapphala.m mahaanisa.msa.m hoti.
4. "Pemato jaayatii soko;
Pemato jaayatii bhaya.m;
Pemato vippamuttassa
Natthi soko; kuto bhaya.m?" [Dhp. 213]
5. Bhagavataa ta.nhakkhayaaya dhammo desito hoti.
6. "Upakkili.t.thassa, Visaakhe, kaayassa upakkamena pariyodapanaa
hoti." [A.i, 208]
7. "Yo ca tula.m'va paggayha
Varam aadaaya pa.n.dito
Paapaani parivajjeti,
Sa munii, tena so muni." [Dhp. 269]
8. "Na hi verena veraani
Sammantii'dha kudaacana.m;
Averena ca sammanti.
Esa dhammo sanantano." [Dhp. 5]
9. Adhiraajaa Dhammaasoko Devaanampiyatissassa La`nkissarassa bahuu
pa.n.naakaare pesetvaa puna pi rajjaabhiseka.m kaaresi.
10. "Yamhi jhaana~n ca pa~n~naa ca
Sa ve" [Dhp. 372]
11. "Sabbe sa`nkhaaraa aniccaa'ti
Yadaa pa~n~naaya passati,
Atha nibbindatii dukkhe;
Esa maggo visuddhiyaa." [Dhp. 277]
New words.
anicca (adj) impermanent.
avera (m) benevolence, friendliness.
upakkama (m) means, expedient.
upakkili.t.tha (pp) dirty.
kammakkhaya (m) exhaustion of karma.
kudaacana.m (indec) sometimes. [na kudaacana.m = never]
jaayati (v) arises.
jhaana (n) trance, meditation.
taapasa (m) hermit.
nibbatteti (v) produces. (n) the summum bonum of Buddhists.
nibbindati (v) becomes disgusted [with locative].
pa.n.naakaara (m) present.
pariyodapanaa (f) cleansing, purification.
parivajjeti (v) avoids, removes.
paalana (ger) protection, observation.
pu~n~nakkhaya (m) exhaustion of merit.
pema (m/n) love.
pesetvaa (abs) having sent.
bhaya (n) fear.
mahapphala (adj) bringing great results.
mahaanisa.msa (adj) greatly beneficial.
rajjaabhiseka (m) coronation of a king, appointment to the kingship.
vara (adj) noble.
vippamutta (pp) released.
visuddhi (f) purity [from the passions].
vera (n) enmity.
sanantana (adj) ancient.
sammati (v) calms itself, appeases.
sa`nkhaara (m) aggregation, component [thing], matter, phenomenon.
Translate into Pali, forming sandhis where it is suited
1. Gods disappear from heaven by the exhaustion of merit and of age
2. The hermits who dwell in forests strive to obtain the third and the
fourth trances.
3. This ignorant person is not able to attain
4. The Buddha has preached that the aggregate of form is impermanent
like a mass of foam.
5. Bimbisaara, the king of Magadha provided white umbrellas for the
Buddha and His disciples when they went towards Vesaalii.
6. The persons who have observed the precepts without any breach will
be born in heaven and will obtain immense happiness.
7. It is very difficult for* a wicked person to do benevolent actions.
8. Kings are not able to avoid famines in their own countries.
9. People give alms and do other meritorious deeds in order to obtain
great results in future.
10. A dirty cloth must be cleansed by washing again and again.
11. Enmity is never removed by enmity; it may be removed by a
benevolent action.
12. Love is the root of sorrow and fear; he who has removed love has
removed sorrow and fear.
* In Pali, use the Instrumental with the infinitive for "to do".
(to be continued...)
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