From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 11441 Date: 2007-07-07
Dear Ole and friends,
today is 7 July 2007 or 07/07/07. According to some, it is an
auspicious day. Buddhists shouldn't be superstitious, but it doesn't
harm to make good use of such a special day, which happens only once
every thousand years (or about 365,250 days).
As scheduled, we will be working on 3 suttas. I wish to dedicate the
first one to a safe, peaceful, clean and green world, and also to the
success of the Live Earth concerts happening today.
"Dvemaani, bhikkhave, padhaanaani durabhisambhavaani lokasmi.m.
these two / monks / efforts / difficult to exert / in world
"These two efforts, O monks, (are) difficult to exert in the world.
* dvemaani = dve+imaani: these two.
- dvi (num) two.
- aya.m (dem pron) this.
* bhikkhu (m) monk.
* padhaana (n) exertion, effort.
* durabhisambhava = du(r)-abhisambhava (adj) difficult to exert.
* loka (m) world.
Katamaani dve?
which / two
Which two?
* katama (adj) which?
Ya~nca gihiina.m agaara.m ajjhaavasata.m
padhaana.m, ya~nca agaarasmaa anagaariya.m pabbajitaana.m
sabbuupadhipa.tinissaggattha.m padhaana.m.
and-which / of householders / house / of inhabiting / for the sake of
offering robes, alms-food, lodging, medical aids and daily requisites
/ effort / and-which / from house / to the homeless state / of those
who have gone forth / for the sake of renunciation of all attachment /
The effort of the householders inhabiting the house which (is) towards
the offering robes, alms-food, lodging, medical aids and daily
requisites, and the effort of those who have gone forth from home to
the homeless state which (is) towards the renunciation of all attachment.
* ya~nca = ya.m+ca: and-which.
- ya (rel pron) which.
- ca (conj) and.
* gihin (n) [rare instance of a neuter noun ending in -in]
householder, layman.
* agaara (n) house, hut.
* ajjhaavasanta (pr.p of ajjhaavasati) inhabiting.
= with the purpose of offering robes, alms-food, lodging, medical aids
and daily requisites.
- ciivara # (n) upper robe of a monk.
- pi.n.dapaata # (m) food received in alms-bowl.
- senaasana # (n) lodging, dwelling.
- gilaanapaccayabhesajja = gilaanaana.m paccaya ca bhesajja ca # (n)
medical aids.
-- gilaana (adj) sick, ill.
-- paccaya (m) support, requisite.
-- bhesajja (n) medicine.
- parikkhaara (m) requisite, necessity.
- anuppadaana (n) giving, offering. [see PED anupadaana]
- attha.m (adv) in the order to, for the sake of.
* anagaariyaa (f) homeless state.
* pabbajita (pp of pabbajati, adj) one who has gone forth.
* sabbuupadhipa.tinissaggattha.m = with the purpose of renunciation of
all attachment.
- sabba (adj) all.
- upadhi (m) attachment.
- pa.tinissagga (m) renunciation.
# These are the four necessities of the monk's daily life.
Imaani kho, bhikkhave, dve padhaanaani durabhisambhavaani lokasmi.m.
these / indeed / monks / two / efforts / difficult to exert / in world
Indeed, O monks, these two efforts (are) difficult to exert in the world.
"Etadagga.m, bhikkhave, imesa.m dvinna.m padhaanaana.m yadida.m
sabbuupadhipa.tinissaggattha.m padhaana.m.
this is best / monks / of these / of two / of efforts / namely / for
the sake of renunciation of all attachment / effort
"This is better, monks, of these two efforts: namely the effort
towards the renunciation of all attachment.
* etadagga = etad+agga: this is best.
- etad (dem pron) this.
- agga (adj) chief, best, excellent.
* yadida.m = yad+ida.m: which is this, that is, in other words, so to
speak, just this, namely.
- yad (rel pron) which.
- ida.m (dem pron, n/nom/sg) this.
Tasmaatiha, bhikkhave, eva.m sikkhitabba.m â"
from that-here / monks / thus / should be learned
From this here, O monks, (it) should be learned thus:
* tasmaatiha = tasmaa+(t)+iha.
- tad (dem pron) that.
- iha (adv) here.
* eva.m (indec) so, thus.
* sikkhitabba (ppot) should be learned.
'sabbuupadhipa.tinissaggattha.m padhaana.m padahissaamaa'ti.
for the sake of renunciation of all attachment / effort / shall exert
'We shall exert the effort towards the renunciation of all attachment.'
* padahati (v) exerts.
Eva~nhi vo, bhikkhave, sikkhitabba"nti.
so-surely / by you / monks / should be learned
Surely so, O monks, (it) should be learned by you."
* hi (indec) surely.
The second.
Please correct me if there is any mistake.
Yong Peng.
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