From: phanlaichen
Message: 11411
Date: 2007-06-29
>functions as a
> Dear friends,
> suttanta is derived from sutta + anta. anta "end" apparently
> semantically neutral suffix, cf. kammanta "action, act," fromkamma + anta.
> In the Pali canon sutta denotes the Patimokkha, unlike thesuttantas viz.
> the doctrinal parts of the canon. This distinction iscorroborated in by
> the canon itself.Ong Yong
> Regards,
> Ole Holten Pind
> _____
> Fra: [] På ¶egne af
> Pengjohnny pruitt
> Sendt: 20. juni 2007 15:38
> Til:
> Emne: [Pali] Re: Suttanta
> Dear Johnny,
> I believe suttanta = suttan-ta > sutta.m + ta (or taa?)
> However, I can be wrong.
> metta,
> Yong Peng.
> --- In Pali@... <> com,
> wrote:sutta". Is
> The word Suttanta seems to be composed of two words Sutta and Anta.
> when put together their meaning seems to be the "end of the
> this correct and what does this mean?.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]